on 11-07-2015 10:12 AM
please can anyone help or know where to look for help about Retro chair maker designer
on 11-07-2015 03:14 PM
I am sure you have done the obvious - checked the underside of the upholstery for tags / labels, even inside the cushions (if there is a zip.) I have checked the couple of Mid-Century books I have at home and there is nothing with legs shaped like that; I am no expert but from my point it does not look like the prominent Aussie manufacturers - Fler, Parker, Chiswell. There are about a zillion Mid-Century web sites to be found with Aussie addresses - there are articles and examples for the Aussie designers, and specialist sellers (like Collectika) for imported furniture. Or you could just Google retro arm chair and look through all the images. Be aware though that many people (especially sellers on eBay) tend to use names like Parker Fler Eames Featherstone Chiswell - when they mean style or era, NOT who actually made the item. There were no doubt a plethora of small manufacturers who copied the designs of the big names, just as there are today. Hope someone with more knowledge comes along to help you.