Time sequence and bid sequence reporting issues


Bids closed at 25/02/24 at 19:00 AEDST - My (dpar) bid of $46 was timed as above at 13:57:54 but as one can see a 6**2 $45 bid was timed at 19:00:47 followed by my 2 higher bids of $46 and $55 (a $10 increase against myself ?) but those 2 bids were timed at 13:57:54 -  about 5 hours hours before the so called auto bidding was supposed to place my higher bids after 19:00:47- so what happened after 19:00:47 to my 2 higher bids which had those "wonky/incorrect" times reported?  - I would have thought higher bids would always be recorded at a later time sequence - it is an auction where the higher bid always winning, is it not ? It would seem that auto bidding can follow a very strange sequence in dates and times. The timing below is a exact copy from the full bidding ebay report - dates and times are out of sequence with the increasing bids but maybe there is an explanation which I would like to know.



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Re: Time sequence and bid sequence reporting issues

@sugar249 wrote:

It only happened because someone else bidded in between, but the bid history is showing it in an odd way.  


I think that's because the OP has clicked on "show automatic bids" in the bid history Sugar.


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 21 of 29
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Re: Time sequence and bid sequence reporting issues

Hmmm - odd way of showing with even odder times, 5 hours pervious

I dont know what an OP is (Other Person)  and if so how do they make my $55 bid for me

Perhaps the ebay sequence did not show that OP between my $46 and $55 bids but how did the OP know my maximum bid and just bid $1 below it

This whole strange set of issues is research just for my education so thank you to all who tried to explain

No wonder my past bids did not succeed - not bidding at all and one bid just before close (new work - sniping). But why bother, just to get a used item the may only function for a limited time or not at all.

Fortuitously, I was unsuccessful as I researched Logitech possible future support of the on-line database and it  is not good with no current updates of device codes or possible shutdown leaving logitech remotes as paper weights. A Sofabaton U2 is more advanced at a similar price on amazon and with a new warranty and no odd bidding results

Message 22 of 29
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Re: Time sequence and bid sequence reporting issues

@dpar3518 wrote:


I dont know what an OP is (Other Person)  and if so how do they make my $55 bid for me


OP is either the Original Poster or Original Post.


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 23 of 29
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Re: Time sequence and bid sequence reporting issues



You posted this thread, hence you are the original poster / opening poster (OP). Your first post in the thread is the original /opening post, hence that also may be referred to as the OP.

Message 24 of 29
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Re: Time sequence and bid sequence reporting issues

@dpar3518 wrote:


Perhaps the ebay sequence did not show that OP between my $46 and $55 bids but how did the OP know my maximum bid and just bid $1 below it


Why are you assuming everything is dodgy,  they don't know ypour maximum bid,  but guess what they can just put in that number which happens to be $1 difference.


I often win auctions because I put in odd amounts,  which trips up people who insist on putting in exact numbers.

Message 25 of 29
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Re: Time sequence and bid sequence reporting issues

Thank you all- a worthwhile research as to the workings of ebay bidding

Message 26 of 29
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Re: Time sequence and bid sequence reporting issues

The bidding process on eBay is dodgy. I can tell you from experience that if you live outside of the United States and you go up against a bidder from the U.S you will not win. 


Message 27 of 29
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Re: Time sequence and bid sequence reporting issues

Interesting theory


Are you logged into eBay Australia or eBay USA at the time?


Where is the seller and the item


Obviously if it is listed on eBay USA, it will end at whatever time over there (not Aussie time)


Or the person in the USA simply bid more than you bid


Message 28 of 29
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Re: Time sequence and bid sequence reporting issues

That is not entirely true. For example... if you place a bid of $25.02, following which someone bids $25.00, you will be winning the auction with the current high bid amount of $25.02.


If you then decide to increase your maximum bid amount to $30.00, you will still have the current high bid, but the amount will jump from $25.02 to $26.00 - one full bid increment from the other bidder's maximum.

Message 29 of 29
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