on 19-05-2015 09:48 PM
That's the number of women murdered this year by their partners.
Yes, another woman was murdered by her partner today.
That is the 4th woman this week.
it averages out at 2 women killed every week.
We can talk until we are blue in the face about what a threat terrorism is. But terrorism pales in comparison to this.
And, as usual, todays deaths barely rates a mention in the newspapers. And, as usual, our politicians couldn't care less.
on 19-05-2015 11:11 PM
Shocking facts.
Something that shouldn't happen.
Occasionally it may happen but SOOOOO many??????????
There seems to be an intrinsic attitude towards women amongst many.
And perhaps it is something stemming from an earlier mindset that hopefully is being watered down through generations.
However my concern is a new view amongst young men being coerced by media continually sexualizing, denegrading women and desensitizing to feelings which can lead to a kind of disrespectful superiority complex manifesting in anger or rage.
Basic values are the roots that need to be nutured in order to prevent individuals from straying.
Maybe anti-violence lessons need to be included at year 8,9 or 10 in schools similarly to sex education.
on 19-05-2015 11:14 PM
on 19-05-2015 11:19 PM
@bushies.girl wrote:
I agree re needing far more funding, they also need people like Rosie Batty to do everything she is able to highlight these funding cuts.
As a comparison, it is roughly the same amount of money earmarked for the government to spend on an advertising campaign to implement Christopher Pyne university reform. Just the advertising campaign mind you. Not the implementation.
Money that they may as well flush down the toilet because those 'reforms' are never going to be agreed on by anyone outside the liberal Government. What a waste.
on 20-05-2015 12:56 AM
Cops beat their wives A LOT and get away with it- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5yWBmr1fmo
on 20-05-2015 04:32 PM
on 20-05-2015 04:42 PM
@kilroy_is_here wrote:
It's a horrible statistic only out done by the statistic of 21 fathers a week committing suicide due to their unfair treatment in the family court
you're not allowed to say that sort of thing (well, I'm not anyway) - it's considered detracting from the problem.
on 20-05-2015 04:55 PM
@kilroy_is_here wrote:
It's a horrible statistic only out done by the statistic of 21 fathers a week committing suicide due to their unfair treatment in the family court
Do you have a link to that stat?
on 20-05-2015 05:13 PM
any reason why you didn't ask the op for a link?
op's information was not accurate.
on 20-05-2015 05:36 PM
@*julia*2010 wrote:any reason why you didn't ask the op for a link?
op's information was not accurate.
My source is the same source as Cosmo. Th current tally who die at the hands of a man sits at 38. As cosmo rightly pointed out, of those 38 women, 34 were direct cases of partners murdering the women. Of the rest, only 2 were murdered by strangers.
Link isn't required because the the information is easy enough to find as news articles (albeit small ones) are usually published with each death. Most will give a running tally.
on 20-05-2015 05:40 PM
@kilroy_is_here wrote:
It's a horrible statistic only out done by the statistic of 21 fathers a week committing suicide due to their unfair treatment in the family court
Unfortunately there are no statistics for this as the water is very muddied on the issue.
Male suicide rates are extraordinarily high. Stats do show that men are more likely to suicide when they are married but there is also a spike immediately after a divorce regardless of whether there are children involved.
But there is no formal statistical link to custody issues.
Whilst I think this issue desperately needs a formal review by government, I also think the issue of someone taking their own life is very different to a life being taken by a murderer.