4 Day Music Challenge - Theme is: Songs from Movies or TV shows

4 Day Music Challenge - Theme is: "Songs from Movies or TV shows".


Please post title and artist of the song with a link to YouTube - do not imbed the video.

The winner will be the song with the most votes. In the event of a tie, the OP will choose. The winner will then host the next Challenge.

The Challenge will end on Thursday, 18th May during the evening.

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4 Day Music Challenge - Theme is: Songs from Movies or TV shows

The Ronettes - Be My Baby (Dirty Dancing)



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4 Day Music Challenge - Theme is: Songs from Movies or TV shows

The William Tell Overture (by Glen Campbell on guitar) - Lone Ranger



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4 Day Music Challenge - Theme is: Songs from Movies or TV shows

Andrew Gold - Final Frontier (Mad About You Theme)



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4 Day Music Challenge - Theme is: Songs from Movies or TV shows

Who Are You? - The Who (CSI theme)



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4 Day Music Challenge - Theme is: Songs from Movies or TV shows

The Parting Glass by Shaun Davey  (Waking Ned Devine) 



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4 Day Music Challenge - Theme is: Songs from Movies or TV shows

4 Day Music Challenge - Theme is: Songs from Movies or TV shows

4 Day Music Challenge - Theme is: Songs from Movies or TV shows

Boss of Me by They Might Be Giants 

Used in "Malcolm in the middle"

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4 Day Music Challenge - Theme is: Songs from Movies or TV shows

4 Day Music Challenge - Theme is: Songs from Movies or TV shows

Science Fiction - Double Feature by Richard O'Brien 

Opening credits to " The Rocky Horror Picture Show"

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