User Activity

Caption This: # 516 The winner will be the caption that has the most ‘Helpfuls’. In the event of a tie, the OP will decide the winner. The winner will start the new round. Caption This # 516 ends Friday, 28th June, 2024. Have fun everyone.
4-Day Music Challenge: Theme: buildings, parts of buildings (floors, doors, windows etc.) Please post the artist and song title (or composer and title) and include the YouTube link without actually embedding the video The poster of the song which has...
4-Day Music Challenge Theme: Living Things (non human) Tomorrow (22 May) is International Day for Biological Diversity so this week's theme is animals, plants, bacteria, fungi- any kind of biological entity other than human! Please post the artist an...
4 Day Music Challenge - Theme is: thoroughfares - streets, roads, alleys, lanes etc Please post Title and Artist/ Composer and a link to YouTube - do not embed video. The post with the most votes wins. In the event of a tie, OP will declare the winne...
4 Day Music Challenge - Theme is: Antipodean Christmas - Anything that reminds you of the season in Oz (or NZ) , cyclones, heatwaves, prawns, backyard cricket, shopping like Armageddon is coming- whatever it is for you and yours that signifies . Plea...