User Activity

Every time I leave the site and come back I have to sign in again and then navigate to the board that I want. The "stay signed in" box is checked... as always. It's getting annoying...
Caption This: #537 The winner will be the caption that has the most ‘Helpfuls’ In the event of a tie, the OP will decide the winner The winner of this round will start the new round Caption this #537 ends on November 13th 2024
Caption This: #523 The winner will be the caption that has the most ‘Helpfuls’. In the event of a tie, the OP will decide the winner. The winner will start the new round. Caption This #523 ends Tuesday, 20th August, 2024.
4-Day Music Challenge - Theme is: Popularity Please post the artist and song title (or composer and title) and include the YouTube link without actually embedding the videoThe poster of the song which has the most ‘helpfuls’ at the end of the challen...
4-Day Music Challenge: Theme: perfection Please post the artist and song title (or composer and title) and include the YouTube link without actually embedding the video The poster of the song which has the most ‘helpfuls’ at the end of the challenge ...