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5 Things Parents Should Be Strict About

I was browsing the news this morning and you know how you can click through a link to a page where you find something else interesting so you click through another link and so on?


I found this amusing/interesting little gem:


"I’m not a strict parent, but often I want to be. So far, I’ve have to fight my own easygoing nature a lot during this parenting gig, because instinctively I know it’s better for the kids. I don’t want to be a ‘permissive’ parent who doesn’t establish boundaries, routines or rules. I’ve seen how quickly that can get out of hand and I now I’m not patient enough, or even kind-natured enough, to deal with the aftermath. I need my space, the world needs its space, so we need those boundaries.

There is a lot that I’m happy to let pass or negotiate with my kids. I’d classify myself as quite a lazy parent about a lot of things that matter a great deal to some. Jumping on beds never bothers me, wearing the same t-shirt every day, eating leftover pasta bake for breakfast. I’m not especially fussed about staying up later on the weekend, listening to pop music, making tons of noise running through the house with your friends. Even drawing on the walls wasn’t the worst thing in the world. I generally parent with humour and that seems to work okay with my kids.

Other things, are non-negotiable and my husband and I try as hard as we can to enforce the rules that we agree on as a family.

Although we don’t succeed all the time, here are the five areas that we are most strict about and why.":

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5 Things Parents Should Be Strict About

There most likely way more than five, but I know two that I would consider set in stone:

Respect and Manners

Map out your future, But do it in pencil, The road ahead is as long as you make it.
Make it worth the trip.
Jon Bon Jovi
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5 Things Parents Should Be Strict About

agree with those Icy... and would prob. add a few more myself....although I am a very "flexible" parent/grandparent.     fairs/ fair.

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5 Things Parents Should Be Strict About

The one about sleep too, Gilly, I think.


I was pretty strict with my kids when they were little, specially about cleaning up after themselves, and certainly manners.


I was a bit more laidback with the grandies. I think that always happens though.

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5 Things Parents Should Be Strict About

Respect and Manners is good, Gottabee. I must say most of our young folk here at work have both.

Geez they're messy, but.

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