on 19-03-2013 09:59 AM
The Gillard government is suffering a gathering crisis of confidence in its leader: by Chris Hartcher
"Not because of any assault by Kevin Rudd. Indeed, whenever he has tried to foment unrest, the Labor caucus has hardened against him.
Labor's fast-draining confidence is because of the performance of Julia Gillard herself and her inner circle.
After deposing Rudd, Gillard argued privately that the reason she had moved against him was not because he was behind in the polls, but because he had no plan to put Labor in front.
Today, the Labor caucus is asking the same question about Gillard.
Labor didn't win the 2010 election.
Since then it has only lost support in the opinion polls.
''There have been 27 Nielsen polls since the 2010 election, and this is the 27th showing the Coalition in front,'' wrote the Fairfax pollster, Nielsen's John Stirton on Monday.
There are 178 days left until the election that Gillard has called. The question that Labor MPs are asking themselves now, in the words of Dirty Harry, is ''Am I feeling lucky?''
Not only is Labor consistently behind in the polls, its leader has not articulated a credible plan for any recovery.
And it's hard for her caucus to feel lucky with regular displays of political misjudgment by the Prime Minister and her closest allies.
At the end of last year, it was Wayne Swan's admission that the government's iron-clad promise of a budget surplus was no longer achievable, in the face of falling tax revenue.
Joe Hockey, who has no record of achievement as an economic manager, is now preferred treasurer to Swan, even though Swan has presided over one of the world's most successful economies during the global financial crisis.
And last week it was Stephen Conroy's media regulation proposals.
Gillard rammed the plan through her cabinet and caucus, angering many in the process, and started a major fight with the big media companies.
Yet all for nought - the plan is now set to fail in the House for lack of support.
These are the reasons a key Left faction cabinet minister, Mark Butler, and a key Right faction cabinet minister, Bob Carr, are openly telling colleagues they have lost confidence in Gillard.
The dam of Gillard support has now been breached."
A fitting end to the dastardly attempt to gag criticism of itself by the media & the witch hunt for News Ltd was there for all to see yesterday, trying to link what happened in the UK, to punish the Australian wing of News Ltd.
I was astonished that this type of trial by government, on a company, to put offside all other print media was breathtaking in its stupidity.
The hatred for News Ltd was palpable yesterday, the hatred by many who would rather gag the free press to ostensibly punish one frightening.
This morning Bob Carr's full support to counter his other remarks is the kiss of death for any leader.
on 19-03-2013 10:03 AM
gosh. etc.
on 19-03-2013 10:03 AM
Trial by media .
on 19-03-2013 10:18 AM
It's unravelling at pace for this leader & her government. They are doing what they do best in a situation like this, eat their own.
Any criticism of this government is well deserved & crying about the media scrutiny or any other excuse is pathetic.
It beggars belief that the media is to blame for all the mistakes this government has made, all the spin & endless lies, all the billions wasted is somehow not their fault al all.
The curtain has been pulled back on this government ever since Rudd went ballistic at Copenhagen, the Labor party covered up his chaotic & vengeful nature, his astounding ability to threaten to destroy anybody who resisted him.
Since knifing him Labor has done everything in it's power to destroy itself.
on 19-03-2013 10:25 AM
You state that Kevin Rudd has an astounding ability to threaten to destroy anybody who resisted him
Since knifing him Labor has done everything in it's power to destroy itself.
on 19-03-2013 10:44 AM
Oh and you also acknowledge Copenhagen and state the Labor did all they could to cover up his chaotic and vengeful nature ?
When was the Copenhagen incident ?
and you claim a 'knifing ' as well as a cover up ?
on 19-03-2013 11:12 AM
LL & Iza, (with the greatest respect) if you stop replying to these boring threads, the OP will be talking to himself.
This type of right wing droning isn't balanced debate, it's designed to be divisive, just like Tony Abbott's never ending election subversion..I mean campaign.
NEITHER side of politics has the answers and NEITHER side seem to be able to put their massive partisan egos aside and do what's best for this country.
We have a hung parliament because that's what the people voted in as a reflection of a divided democracy. i.e. NEITHER side can be trusted with Absolute Power & The only thing toxic about it is that Pollies on both sides have demonstrated they can't work together irrespective of the outcome of a democratic election.
Crikey just take the US...same thing. They'd rather see their country go down the toilet than agree on a Bipartisan solution.
I wouldn't be surprised to see another hung parliament this time around, because the nation remains divided (probably even more so now). No traditional ALP Voter will vote LNP and vice versa.... It's only the swing voters this whole song and dance is in aid of.
The reality for both sides is that Tony Abbott and Julia Gillard are NOT the leaders most people want to vote for. In fact ALP supporters cringe as much about Abbott leading this country as LNP does about Julia being at the helm = Both are on the nose.
If this were a joust between Turnbull and Rudd, we might actually see some decent debate. This droning propaganda is doing nothing more than dividing us further.
on 19-03-2013 11:51 AM
Trying to sheet the blame onto the hung parliament for the toxicity of the politic of today is disingenuous at the very least.
Also the ruse of blaming both leaders is the refuge of someone who has no defence for Gillard any more.
on 19-03-2013 12:11 PM
its not a ruse, he's intensely disliked with good reason. he is the worst prospect for the lodge ive ever seen or read about. he's a disgrace and an affront to our democracy.
on 19-03-2013 12:18 PM
Days of long knives is not democratic