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Horrible Typos

From our recruitment company's newsletter - a list of the funniest HR typos your'e glad you never made : "Changing to a 24/7 rotation and putting in an unpopular rota, someone mis-typed the change announcement and instead of introducing a new SHIFT P...

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Gerard Baden-Clay committal hearing starts today

ACCUSED wife killer Gerard Baden-Clay's committal hearing begins today, almost a year after the real estate agent reported his wife Allison missing. Forty-three witnesses, including friends, business partners and staff are expected to be called in th...

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Suggestions please ... Qld people

Hoping someone might have a suggestion for me .... I have a few days off in the week following Easter and am thinking of getting away for a bit. Does anyone have anything fun or interesting happening in their part of Qld in that first week of April? ...

Asylum seeker 'groped boys'

Really??? I find this very concerning.... not a good look for those good people that have come here in great need and do follow our laws... What can we do to help prevent this situation.... these asylum seekers have already arrived.... they are here....

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Cougar mum Australia's serial cougar caught out. She's the 37-year-old mum who dumped her 18- year-old husband to get engaged to a 16-year-old schoolboy. Now their parents want her stopped.


No-one post on that thread ok I see you all reading it you know Don't you dare bump it

Question about kids and boils.

I have already had the child in question at the doctor - TWICE. I am taking her again tomrrow so not after medical advice. I'm just not convinced she's getting the best care and have no experience with "boils" and their treatment so wondering if othe...

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