$800 Cupcake Farewell

City balks at $800 cupcake bill for worker's farewell party 

Officials in Washington state want a former city employee to pay back nearly $800 in taxpayer money she spent on cupcakes for her own office farewell party.


When former Yakima human resources director Cheryl Ann Mattia resigned in December, she ordered $757.40 worth of gourmet cupcakes from a local cafe.


City Manager Tony O'Rourke says the spending was a "gross misuse" of taxpayer money.


Mattia says the cost of the cupcakes stemmed from a misunderstanding between her and a staff member when the order was placed. But she says it was a legitimate expense.


O'Rourke says the city could take Mattia to small-claims court to recoup the money.

Amid the comments:
During later questioning, O'Rourke clarified his statement regarding the "gross misuse" of taxpayer money. He said, "If the cost of the gourmet cupcakes had not exceeded $595, the amount would have been reasonable. The city pays $600 a month for certain officials to use as a car allowance, and for cupcakes to cost more is unreasonable."
Entitlement is everywhere, it seems.
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Re: $800 Cupcake Farewell

Who organises their own farewell party?  She must have been really well liked in the organisation [not!]


Greed is universal it seems.

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Re: $800 Cupcake Farewell

Wherever taxpayers money is available, there is someone ready to waste it for their own benefit.

Councillors are as bad as politicians.



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Re: $800 Cupcake Farewell

How many people came to this farewell bash??Smiley Surprised


Boy oh boy, I remember my days as a teacher when we had parent/teacher interview nights and worked back till 9pm.


There were about 60 or more of us & the prin just used to order in about 15 pizzas. We thought that was pretty exciting as we didn't have to pay for them. Probably under $150 all up


We paid a yearly fee for tea/coffee/milk/dishwashing detergent.


If you work for the govt and you are fairly low down, there are no freebies, it must just be as you move up.

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Re: $800 Cupcake Farewell

Erica --you are on to it.

What i hate is-most local councils have a .."sister city " program.

This is a junket for overseas trips and a spend up when

the visitors from the sister city arrive here.


Dont put the rates up to cover all that wasted money...................Richo.

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