A US Anti-vaccine campaigner wanting to come to Aus to give talks - your thoughts ?

Community Member


This is going to be a heated argument.


A US Anti-vaccine campaigner wanting to come to Aus to give talks and some Dr's want to ban her.


This follow on from the mis representation of an anti Vacciner on a current affair show on the ABC the other night.







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Re: A US Anti-vaccine campaigner wanting to come to Aus to give talks - your thoughts ?

I listened to it and 1/2 watched it as I was doing something, and I thought it was perfectly clear that he was an anti-vaccine campaigner.  In any case the program was about the fact that in the USA children are dying from diseases that few years ago were all but eradicated.  As usual, they presented alternative view and gave equal time.  It really is sad that they have to, or they would be called biased.  Because giving equal time to long discredited theories means that ignorant people come away from such a discussion thinking it is 50:50.


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
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Re: A US Anti-vaccine campaigner wanting to come to Aus to give talks - your thoughts ?


Yes, look at the deseases that are making a come back.


Polio being one.



We are going to lose the herd protection we have had in the past.



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Re: A US Anti-vaccine campaigner wanting to come to Aus to give talks - your thoughts ?

Message 4 of 108
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Re: A US Anti-vaccine campaigner wanting to come to Aus to give talks - your thoughts ?

This issue was discussed on The Project last night.


http://tenplay.com.au/channel-ten/the-project/2015/1/6  @ 9:37


That panel was anti anti vaccers.


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Re: A US Anti-vaccine campaigner wanting to come to Aus to give talks - your thoughts ?

My 1/2 sister contracted polio as a child, no vacs around then, ask her what she thinks re the anti vacs brigade, her reply wont be pretty

Message 6 of 108
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Re: A US Anti-vaccine campaigner wanting to come to Aus to give talks - your thoughts ?

SN: "Because giving equal time to long discredited theories means that ignorant people come away from such a discussion thinking it is 50:50."


SN you have clearly shown what is indeed  "a curse" in modern communications/media: equal time, and  the desire to promote  headlines/controversy when there really is none.

As with the anti vaccination nuts the global warming debate used to give the appearance of 50-50,  when among the experts  it was 97-3. The  term "experts is important here (or professional organisation) because often the opposers/deniers  are given equal time when they are not versed in the topic, often just like the media.



Message 7 of 108
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Re: A US Anti-vaccine campaigner wanting to come to Aus to give talks - your thoughts ?


I can't see any good coming of it.



Message 8 of 108
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Re: A US Anti-vaccine campaigner wanting to come to Aus to give talks - your thoughts ?

One of my teachers had it as a kid and still had the limp.

I knew of one other person who had had it.

By the 60's it was fading in Western society.
Message 9 of 108
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Re: A US Anti-vaccine campaigner wanting to come to Aus to give talks - your thoughts ?

Controversial topic these days in Southern Oregon....the city closest to the California border, Ashland, a hotbed of liberalism, hasn't required school children to be vaccinated for years.  Right now there are 29 (at last count) cases of chicken pox in children, and almost a dozen whooping cough cases.  Lot of fighting on facebook, and I (naturally) contributed.  I pointed out that if it were pneumonic plague or smallpox, the anti-vacciners would be first in line for vaccinations.


The Ashland School District, last week, instituted a vaccination requirement for students.


As a kid growing up in Geelong, I had a neighbor girl who had contracted polio, and spent her life in an iron lung........



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