ALP fears voters are waiting for them with baseball bats

Community Member

I don't think there is another person in Australia except for Julia Gillard who doesn't think Labor is doomed.


The policy tsunami released last week showed a government in disarray, no structure & in full flight panic mode. The destructive spite & verballing of Tony Abbot on the Insiders when she is cornered   is not doing her any favours with the voting public & just proves what a vicious politician she is who stops at nothing to cling on.


Her lies & backflips are numerous, the public see her doing it day in day out, they have had enough.


100 days to go


100 days of  more policy failures, 100 days of more debt, 100 days of more refugees & now they are coming by ferry, 100 days of more lies, 100 days of Joe Ludwig's failures, 100 days of Conroys failures.


100 days............. the longest 100 days in political history for most Australians.



AN icy wind has been blowing through Labor electorates. MPs around the nation are worried that the determination to blast the Gillard government out of office is entrenched and nothing can turn it around.


At a recent meeting of Labor campaign officials, there were grim faces as a report from Labor's pollster, John Utting, tallied up likely seat losses based on recent Newspoll surveys. The party's internal polling mirrors the published polling


 "The voters think Labor is broken," says another party official, "and they are going to make sure we get that message." It might be the one message that does resonate in the electorate. see full story below.

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ALP fears voters are waiting for them with baseball bats

Community Member


Message 2 of 28
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ALP fears voters are waiting for them with baseball bats

Community Member



I don't think there is another person in Australia except for Julia Gillard who doesn't think Labor is doomed.


Yes there is. The rusted on's on here are of the same desperate opinion as Julia and j*oono as well as he/she thinks any anti labor post is spam....





Message 3 of 28
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ALP fears voters are waiting for them with baseball bats

What fresh hell is this ?   Another new ID spamming the boards with liberal luvvie propaganda ?


Will it ever end ????

prostate cancer ribbon Pictures, Images and Photos
Message 4 of 28
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ALP fears voters are waiting for them with baseball bats

oh no, not another one  ;\

Message 5 of 28
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ALP fears voters are waiting for them with baseball bats

Same person, though


Message 6 of 28
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ALP fears voters are waiting for them with baseball bats

Who left the paddock gates open?


 photo images2.jpg  photo images-1.jpg







Message 7 of 28
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ALP fears voters are waiting for them with baseball bats

Even I am getting sick of these 0 ID's popping up and posting cut and pastes... 


really... condense it and post a link... more people will read it that way... 

Message 8 of 28
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ALP fears voters are waiting for them with baseball bats

Community Member

Julia Gillard is now so despised by voters that the Labor party itself are now locked in an express train heading for limbo station & not stopping for anything or anyone.


Julia Gillard has not taken any advice from her party to listen to the electorate, she is too busy trying to lock in a legacy that will cripple future governments with debt & promises they may never have the money to fund.


Future deficits are ahead of us all, welfare that the electorate is so addicted to may dry up & now Swan is going after business again to shore up his fisasco budget.


She is trying to rule from the grave, putting in place her legacy & to blazes with the consequences.


This has been done before but the reports, yesterday, said,  they have never seen anything like it, to this extent, before.


Julia Gillard & the Labor party are tipped to have a worse defeat than  the wipeout Whitlam suffered & close to the Keating wipeout or worse.


To any on here who hate this type of information, there's no rule to say you have to participate in this thread or to report it.


If you feel differently then you are free to start a thread outlining all the shining policy successes this Labor government has achieved.

Message 9 of 28
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ALP fears voters are waiting for them with baseball bats

Community Member

You are indulging in your own bit of spam there too, monman.  Is your photobucket stuck in some kind of eternal loop.

Message 10 of 28
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