Abetz: Breast cancer linked to abortion.

A day or so after our PM and Brandis came across as dills for not being able to explain their own policies. Abetz has come out and told us all that there is a link between breast cancer and abortion.


Is there ANY intelligence to be found in ANY individual in our current government?


Did they specifically recruit the dumbest possible candidates to sit in cabinet or what?




Message 1 of 62
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Abetz: Breast cancer linked to abortion.

I thought it was ridiculous and insulting myself;


and katy that bit about since the 1950's struck me too,



Message 11 of 62
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Abetz: Breast cancer linked to abortion.

Community Member

There are more words of wisdom found earlier in the interview. 


Apparently the pill can lead to women being involved in violent relationships.  The hosts looked a bit gobsmacked and I know I was.  Mia Freedman did a good job.


His interview starts at around 8 minutes and runs for just a couple of minutes if anyone is interested.



Message 12 of 62
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Abetz: Breast cancer linked to abortion.

That's like the Republican politician who claimed that a women can't get pregnant from a rape..........



Message 13 of 62
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Abetz: Breast cancer linked to abortion.

That's the kind of hysteria that was going on in the dark ages when policiticians and church officials were trying to  convince all and sundry that kissing a boy (alone) would lead to immediate pregnancy, doom, and assorted moral disasters.  All one can do is laugh at such fools, especially in the 21st century.





Message 14 of 62
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Abetz: Breast cancer linked to abortion.

sorry to hear you have similar politicians band

Message 15 of 62
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Abetz: Breast cancer linked to abortion.

That made the news here too, Bandcamp.  Did it finish his campaign?

Message 16 of 62
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Abetz: Breast cancer linked to abortion.

Aren't we lucky to have such informed and forward thinking people running this country? [insert eye rolling emoticon]



"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 17 of 62
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Abetz: Breast cancer linked to abortion.

You've got to wonder who votes for such cretins.

Why would anyone want that as their representative?

Message 18 of 62
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Abetz: Breast cancer linked to abortion.

Why would anyone want that as their representative?


Because they share the same values......hate, xenophobia, misogeny......

Message 19 of 62
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Abetz: Breast cancer linked to abortion.

"Right wingers seem to take as gospel anything that their loony leaders tell them.

 Climate warming is a good example"


Perhaps left-wingers need to be told a few  things also ( or read a science gospel) , as the  contextual use is:


Climate change.

Global warming.


Nevertheless I think Abetz, like Andrews,  is a "nut"

Myopic Tongues2 Small.jpg

Message 20 of 62
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