Adam Goodes Vs the spreaders of hate

We have people spreading the hate for everyone from the PM to the disabled and refugees everyday.

Today we have Adam Goodes, who truly lived up to his name.


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Re: Adam Goodes Vs the spreaders of hate

Umpires get called maggot and dog and other profanities all the time at the footy.


Pours cup of concrete and hands to Goodes, drink up!



-- A
Message 21 of 353
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Re: Adam Goodes Vs the spreaders of hate

Then perhaps daydream you would like to read this.


But just in case you can't be bothered, here is a short excerpt: 


Much of the anti-Black ape association was directed toward Black celebrities, especially athletes, and it was often done outside of mainstream pop culture. Jackie Robinson, famous for integrating major league baseball in 1947, often was the victim of racial taunts. In one incident, visiting Cardinals manager Eddie Stanky mocked an injured Robinson by performing a limping ape routine in the visitors dug-out. He grunted, hooted and scratched his armpits. Such epithets directed against standout Black athletes were still happening late into the century.


Or perhaps you would like to read some indigenous history closer to home from the excellent Foley essays?


In Australia Social Darwinism was also very popular, especially among the scientific community. Andrew Markus has said, ‘one doesn’t have to read extensively to discern that a central concern of anatomists was to establish whether Aborigines were closer to the animal than human’. The Elder Professor of Anatomy at the University of Adelaide in 1926 said that Aborigines were, ‘too low in the scale of humanity’ to benefit from ‘the civilising influence of Anglo Saxon rule’. In the 1920’s and 30’s Australia’s Aborigines were a treasure trove of curiosity for scientists and academics who believed that here was the ‘missing link’ species that would advance the cause of Social Darwinism. Consequently, thousands of Koori peoples in communities all over Australia, were subjected to the whims of ‘scientists’ interested in such things as similarities between Aborigines and Chimpanzees, brain capacity and cranium size (one study in 1920 concluded that, ‘the average brain capacity of Aborigines was between the normal medium intelligence of twelve or thirteen year old children’) This Australian fascination with racial theories, phrenology and eugenics, closely mirrors a similar obsession with identical notions by German society of the same period in relation to the Jews.


Many eminent Australian scientists of the day were to express similar attitudes. In Victoria, as Christie notes, ‘Throughout the frontier years (between 1835 and 1850) the intellectual argument that the Aborigines more closely resembled “the ourangoutangs than men” made it easier for the squatter to treat the Aborigines as subhuman, to lump them with the dingo and shoot them as a “rural pest.”’



...British settlers in Australia were imbued with a similar fear and loathing of Aborigines, who they considered to be closer to apes than humans. Those fundamental beliefs, stemming from extremist, white racialist notions, fuelled settler outrage when Aboriginal people sought to resist the invasion of their lands, and the numerous resultant ‘punitive expeditions’ bear a resemblance to the einstatzgruppen activities after Operation Barbarossa in eastern Europe. In other words, in both instances fear and loathing were powerful forces that produced both the motivation and justification for mass murder.


There is absolutely no excuse for this type of racism in this day and age.


And there is no excuse for anyone who thinks these comments were harmless.


well that was a waste of time

the first is from the USA

and both are that old can't be considered relevant to anything

Message 22 of 353
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Re: Adam Goodes Vs the spreaders of hate

Whatever happened to the saying we were taught as kids, 'sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me'?

Message 23 of 353
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Re: Adam Goodes Vs the spreaders of hate

Sorry but i also didnt take it as a racist remark.

He's hairy. I thought she called him an ape based on him being hairy


No, she didn't call him ape because he is hairy.

Message 24 of 353
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Re: Adam Goodes Vs the spreaders of hate

My husband is hairy. I call him and ape and a gorilla all the time. In fact, the kids and i teased him a few weeks ago when we went to the Zoo and said we were going to take him to visit his other family.

He's white

 photo walkingdeadtag_zpsbaca2fdd.jpg
Message 25 of 353
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Re: Adam Goodes Vs the spreaders of hate

Umpires get called maggot and dog and other profanities all the time at the footy.


Pours cup of concrete and hands to Goodes, drink up!




Maggot and dog, although not nice, are not racist.


Message 26 of 353
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Re: Adam Goodes Vs the spreaders of hate

Whatever happened to the saying we were taught as kids, 'sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me'?


Turns out it was a myth. Sounds good but in fact nasty names do hurt a lot of people and constantly being called nasty names can have serious consequences, including suicide.

Message 27 of 353
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Re: Adam Goodes Vs the spreaders of hate

My husband is hairy. I call him and ape and a gorilla all the time. In fact, the kids and i teased him a few weeks ago when we went to the Zoo and said we were going to take him to visit his other family.

He's white


As you're a white family you may never understand how it feels to be called a savage, an ape, uncivilised, next step up from animal teasing.

Message 28 of 353
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Re: Adam Goodes Vs the spreaders of hate


No, she didn't call him ape because he is hairy.


how do you know that?


Whatever the case anyway, as i said, I took it as a go at his hairiness. Me, personally. I didnt think it was racist.

 photo walkingdeadtag_zpsbaca2fdd.jpg
Message 29 of 353
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Re: Adam Goodes Vs the spreaders of hate

My husband is hairy. I call him and ape and a gorilla all the time. In fact, the kids and i teased him a few weeks ago when we went to the Zoo and said we were going to take him to visit his other family.

He's white


You can call your husband whatever you want. Firstly, he's not a stranger. Secondly, he doesn't have a history of being murdered or treated like a sub-human in this country based on his colour.


And if you can't see the difference, then I am astounded.

Message 30 of 353
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