on 08-05-2013 09:44 AM
I am going out to buy a new mattress.
Has anyone here had either a memory foam or latex mattress - what are the pros and cons?
on 08-05-2013 07:04 PM
on 08-05-2013 07:15 PM
Hi Rosie--was just a tip .--save someone a bad back!
But reading this thread -i might have a look at those toppers.
May bring my 30 year old mattress back too the old shape............Richo.
on 08-05-2013 07:27 PM
I am going out to buy a new mattress.
Has anyone here had either a memory foam or latex mattress - what are the pros and cons?
my mother bought this bed made in sweden.. i think, cost her 6 grand (i think) said its the best investment she ever made.
i'll have to ask her whats the brand, next time we speak...(mothers day)
on 09-05-2013 12:08 AM
I have a bad back too - and last time we bought a mattress we got a full latex one - i LOVE it!
The salesperson was terrific, and suggested that we get a sprung slat base instead of the normal ensemble base, for a little extra support, and now around 10 years later I still get the best nights sleep on it.
We also got a double sided mattress overlay, with one side cotton (for summer) and the other side fleece wool for winter- it makes it even better 🙂
Downside is it weighs a ton, but I wouldn't change back to a regular mattress for quids!
on 09-05-2013 12:14 AM
Waterbed. It moulds to your shape so there are no pressure points, always the right tempterature, winter or summer, does not cost an arm and a leg.
on 09-05-2013 08:48 AM
Used to have a waterbed. It was wonderful to sleep on. You can buy the ones that are not as 'wavey'. Loved that the temperature could be controlled for summer and winter. In winter you just dialed up the temp so that you were climbing in to a lovely warm bed.
I wish we still had it.
Must try to coax the wife into considering one again.
Was very good for the back and aching hips (that I now have on our mattress).
on 09-05-2013 09:31 AM
I'm with poddy and yatpea above... can't go past a waterbed, especially if you have back issues as I do. I've had the same QS waterbed for more than 30 years (second waveless bladder though) as I can't sleep on a conventional mattress for any more than a couple of hours at the most.
As poddy quite rightly point out, a waterbed conforms to the exact shape of whatever is lying on it, which means that all parts of the body are being supported equally - no pressure points. 🙂
on 09-05-2013 10:32 AM
We had a waterbed years ago - before we got out present bed. It was great to sleep on and OH loved it, but I found it hard to get in and out of it. Maybe they are better now.
on 09-05-2013 01:47 PM
We had a waterbed, but we also had a cat - and the cat had claws ...............
on 09-05-2013 07:19 PM
Perhaps an elephant ruined the bed instead if a cat