on 08-05-2013 09:44 AM
I am going out to buy a new mattress.
Has anyone here had either a memory foam or latex mattress - what are the pros and cons?
on 12-05-2013 11:52 PM
How could anyone sell a waterbed new (from a shop) without a heater pad and temp control?
on 12-05-2013 11:57 PM
mebbe a heater wasnt a standard item for waterbeds 30 +years ago, buggard if i know
on 13-05-2013 12:01 AM
YES they were. I owned one 30 years ago, heater pads & temp control were standard. That was the whole point of water beds, to heat them to a level that suits you.. cooler in summer, warmer in winter.
on 13-05-2013 12:02 AM
really a-3? i should hunt down that salesperson then
on 13-05-2013 12:06 AM
Good luck with that.:^O
on 13-05-2013 12:43 AM
damp sheets
I've so gotta stop workin blue!
on 13-05-2013 02:48 PM
I've so gotta stop workin blue!
blue? who me?
whatcha bin workin' on?
on 13-05-2013 07:06 PM
So can anyone with a memory foam mattress tell me if it remains firm or does it
develop a sag? A local place is having a sale of them.
Also a sale of duckdown mattress toppers.
Any experiences there please?>
on 13-05-2013 08:51 PM
I am happy with my topper - it is quite warm and am wondering how it will go in the summer but is VERY comfortable
on 13-05-2013 09:02 PM
Go to the website product review au and see which retailers to trust.
Avoid companys who use computers to measure you and then try and sell you $150 latex pillows.
I found the cheapest and best was from Harvey norman, as much as I dislike the owner they have good deals and Sleepmaker is Australian made.
Also their delivery drivers have two deliverymen and carried it sraight into the room.
I went for a medium with a latex pillow top.
Make sure you get the better spring setup 'miracoil'
Latex gets hot in summer, so if you do not have bedroom cooling think about it.