on โ30-09-2013 10:32 PM
...but he is just so loveable and down to earth.
Am watching Q&A with Shorten and Albo and whilst I think both would make good leaders for different reasons, Albo just oozes goodness and absolute sincerity. He's old school politician. No spin just seems to talk about issues based on his own values.
on โ30-09-2013 11:08 PM
Totally agree comes from a highly respected family
on โ30-09-2013 11:33 PM
Shorten seems to try the popularity angle to much. I don't like the way his esses Sss.
on โ01-10-2013 07:25 AM
I think Shorten is the better speaker, Albo is a bit too non aggressive to be popular.
I do like him though.
on โ01-10-2013 11:44 AM
on โ01-10-2013 12:16 PM
I like Albo, I think he would make the better leader, he has experience on his side. But whoever win's I hope they do the job well and we are back Governing in 4 yrs. I agree spot, Tanya is my hero.
on โ01-10-2013 02:16 PM
Just watched Q and A, and learned that most of us have been mispronouncing Albo's surname!
Maybe ? Martini never did.
I have heard it pronounced Albaneazy or Albaneaze, but both are incorrect.
It should be Albanaisy, with a soft S.