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Amnesty for the unapproved visitors ?

Considering that management of COVID crisis is settling down except for some non-virus related State constitutional issues relating to  vice-regal like powers ,  and the population being stable without in some ways the complicating presence of millions of international tourists  and students,  and the economy at a nice simmer  it might be time to consider to grant amnesty with permanent conditional legal residence to the no doubt considerable accumulated  illegals , visa-over-stayers and generational undocumented that have been quietly working productively within our nation , contributing without harm and proving worth

This offer would include Taxation forgiveness.......

Then together being more unified as a nation we can more confidently open the gates of welcome to the many temp workers, migrants , students and tourists,  now knowing the true people composition of our nation

To fanciful ?


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Re: Amnesty for the unapproved visitors ?

Yep - let's just chuck all of our immigration Laws.


Since when have tourists & students become a complication.?


Yep - again - Taxation forgiveness - forgive the lot - all of us - let's not discriminate here - the lot.


Generational undocumented - hello - are you at the southern border.??


Just a tad too fancifull - again - Yep.



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Re: Amnesty for the unapproved visitors ?

Only applicable to those currently here

Seems the time to reset as no more can enter illegally or overstay - the presence of massed tourists and students can mask the foreign unapproved 

In the past has been just easier to look the other way , but the days of legal workplace slavery is ending

case in point now minimum wages for harvest workers

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Re: Amnesty for the unapproved visitors ?

Applicable to none- either stand in line - come legally - or when your visa expires - go home.


We have had - Amnesty - for those who - overstay - a no brainer.


It seems you have no idea - what students have to go through - to prove - to study.

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Re: Amnesty for the unapproved visitors ?

Not sure whether student issues was pertinent ...anyhow my experiences living life while being a full time student and the struggles thereof would probably be not so relevant now - although spared some aspects of the current brave-new-world enlightenment , so i will not comment regarding current student socio issues , although I feel some empathy  with those persevering on such a noble quest

My current feeble attempts are specific vocational and online

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