An Own Goal, But They Can Recover

The poll shows that the budget was a landmark moment in political unpopularity.


''There have only been less popular prime ministers on a handful of occasions''  in the 40-year history of the survey, pollster John Stirton said. Those include when the Whitlam government was embroiled in the notorious  Khemlani loans affair, when Paul Keating broke his ''L-A-W'' promise to deliver tax cuts, and when Julia  Gillard announced the carbon tax"


''The politics of the Australian budget,'' Mills says, ''seem so bad that you  can only conclude that Abbott and Hockey must genuinely believe they are doing  the right thing and will receive the electoral rewards of a booming economy in  2016.''


And it is that timing which explains why Abbott and Hockey are not  panicking. Governments have hit these lows before and recovered to be  re-elected. This poll puts the government behind by 56 per cent to 44 on the  election- deciding measure, the two-party preferred vote.


The Howard government hit this low point in 1998, 2001 and 2004 yet recovered  to win. As Stirton remarks: ''Recovery is always an option, especially when it's  this early in the term.''


This is Abbott's and Hockey's first budget, not their third.


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So don't count your chickens before they hatch, ppl.

Message 1 of 68
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Re: An Own Goal, But They Can Recover

It isn't the chickens that are a concern.

Message 2 of 68
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Re: An Own Goal, But They Can Recover

 i like these light-hearted joke threads .

Message 3 of 68
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Re: An Own Goal, But They Can Recover

Lets see.Unemployed young people won't vote for them.Those parents of unemployed young people who have to give financial assistance won't either.Pensioners won't vote for them.The sons and daughters of those pensioners won't vote for them.Uni students won't vote for them.Who else? The low income workers who lost their $500 govt. super contributions.The car industry workers and their families.Of course we have a couple of state elections coming up before the federal one so I'm expecting Labor to form government in at least one.Then there's those who'll abandon the Libs and vote for PUP.Tony's got some ground to make up.This by the way is not the kind of budget that people are going to forget in a hurry.
For the sake of Australia Tony,call an election now:)
Message 4 of 68
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Re: An Own Goal, But They Can Recover

Hopefully Australians will fight the good fight help rather than harm other Australians 

Message 5 of 68
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Re: An Own Goal, But They Can Recover

The man simply has no moral compass and that will be his downfall.


I can recall that, whilst he was the then Minister for Health, he attended a public forum to justify the Governmentโ€™s position on euthanasia, which was at the time inconsistent with the wishes of the majority of the pollution; and still is.  Now canโ€™t recall his exact response, but I can most certainly recall its substance and context.


What we (the plebs) want is only relevant for the purposes of formulating policy for an election, and once an election has been concluded, it falls to those elected, irrespective of the promises made or the expectations created, to govern in the manner that they (the politicians) believe to be in the national interest.  That is, promises mean nothing and mandates are irrelevant and this was argument also used to justify our involvement in Iraq and the introduction of such memorable legislation as Work Choices.


But when the Libs lost government, he had a complete change of heart.  Now a promise were sacrosanct, and mandates mandatory.  For instance I can still recall the reasons given for his refusal to allow a conscience vote on amendments to the Marriage Act โ€“ โ€˜It has never been put to the people at an election, there is therefore no mandate, and therefore I canโ€™t allow my party to vote to change itโ€™.  In fact, during that period he went so far as say โ€˜that a Government which breaks their promises, or acts in the absence of a mandate is politically corrupt and has lost the moral right to governโ€™.


So now, that we are back in Government, we feel safe to return to the way things were when we were last in Government, in the hope that what happened in the first year will be all forgotten by the fourth.  Think again.  Keating never recovered from his โ€˜these tax cuts are law' promise.  Nor will this lot.

Message 6 of 68
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Re: An Own Goal, But They Can Recover

they won't be recovering any time soon if abbott doesn't keep his mouth shut....


Prime Minister Tony Abbott insists he will not be deterred by disastrous polling results following his government's first budget, saying the public had been ''on notice'' that the Coalition would have to make tough decisions.


Mr Abbott also said his government had not broken a pre-election promise not to make any cuts

to health or education.

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Message 7 of 68
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Re: An Own Goal, But They Can Recover

Message 8 of 68
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Re: An Own Goal, But They Can Recover

Message 9 of 68
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Re: An Own Goal, But They Can Recover

Whats going to be bad for the Liberals and Abbott in the next lection campaign is people will remember the great divide between what we were promised and what we actually got and there will be others to remind those who forget. a tough sell for any party.

Message 10 of 68
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