on 18-05-2013 07:44 AM
It was bad enough to scrap the wholesale tax in favour of the GST, but now top of the list for LNP tax reforms will be increasing the GST and taxing those things that weren't taxed before like food, education and health.
And he has already broken his first promise and he hasn't even landed in the job yet - the tax cut to company tax is gone. Aren't 'broken promises' what the opposition have based their entire campaign on? ?:|
on 18-05-2013 12:01 PM
its not a policy that would get any support apart from the state premiers. like all of abbotts policies its a (un)lucky dip. he's keeping it all hidden til 'after' mainly because they havent held up under any real scrutiny in the past. sneaky and dodgy as always.
on 18-05-2013 12:35 PM
Yeppers, just like the sneaky and dodgy Labor party kept the carbon tax hidden until after they were elected.
on 18-05-2013 12:40 PM
on 18-05-2013 12:41 PM
And if Mr Abbott were where Ms Gillard currently is then we will also have had a Carbon Tax. He put that on the table when his was trying to woo the three independents. The only thing he wouldn't do was sell his R's
He talked in favour of a Carbon Tax long before the previous election.
on 18-05-2013 01:11 PM
INAM: "And he has already broken his first promise and he hasn't even landed in the job yet - the tax cut to company tax is gone"
A little difficult to remove a tax if you are not in power INAM but the ALP are helping!!.
May Budget
Small business tax was expected to be reduced by 1% from 1 July, However this measure was abandoned.
"PRESSURE is building on the Treasurer, Wayne Swan, to broaden the scope of next year's tax summit to include discussion of the GST."
You should know better than to quote the SMH INAM
on 18-05-2013 01:15 PM
michael kroger says no. ( this morning) so theres a good chance the answer is really yes.
its hard to know what there is in it for a federal govt though, unless abbott plans to raise it and skim it beforehand. the states get the revenue.
on 18-05-2013 01:49 PM
I agree 100% in increasing the GST....
inevitable when you want to decrease other taxes.. you still need to keep the money coming in fairly... the more you earn the more you spend and the more GST you pay.
People are so against paying taxes but they are a part of life... it is only via more income in that the things we expect governments to pay for can be afforded.
And with the GST all people can pay a bit of tax... even those on government payments...
on 18-05-2013 03:05 PM
Depends if they change the GST and include food items, education etc that are GST free. Who wants to start paying 15% more for their food?
on 18-05-2013 03:20 PM
Hi cat, in your opinion, would a rise in GST, or its inclusion of food, have any impact on the economy? If so, what would the impact be?
on 18-05-2013 03:24 PM
An Inc in GST and GST on food ,education & health goods and services not previously subjected to GST, means consumers have less money to save or spend on other things, which is not good for the economy.