on 18-05-2013 07:44 AM
It was bad enough to scrap the wholesale tax in favour of the GST, but now top of the list for LNP tax reforms will be increasing the GST and taxing those things that weren't taxed before like food, education and health.
And he has already broken his first promise and he hasn't even landed in the job yet - the tax cut to company tax is gone. Aren't 'broken promises' what the opposition have based their entire campaign on? ?:|
on 19-05-2013 05:18 PM
on 19-05-2013 05:20 PM
The old system seems complicated. The GST would be better at getting more revenue, including from tourists ( who buy goods and services in Aust and pay approx $ 9.3b tax pa.)
on 19-05-2013 05:21 PM
I used to go to coventrys wearing overalls.
I used to get the tax free price that they supplied to mechanics etc......no idea where they thought I worked
There are a few on here who I would like to see go to Coventry...lol
on 19-05-2013 05:22 PM
it was Paul Keatings idea initially.
His idea to introduce a GST to Australia?
Goods and services taxes have been in place in other countries for decades.
on 19-05-2013 05:23 PM
on 19-05-2013 05:28 PM
The GST is a fairer way of taxing - it was Paul Keatings idea initially.
What was his idea? To introduce it? To invent it? To?
on 19-05-2013 05:29 PM
There are still plenty of 'cash' transactions that never get recorded and no GST is paid.
on 19-05-2013 05:32 PM
on 19-05-2013 05:38 PM
Mrgrizz--you got what is known as -trade discount--
not a tax free purchase.
on 20-05-2013 06:48 AM
Gee, look at all the posts about something they think they can beat Abbott aboout the head with.
If any of you bothered to listen, he said all taxes will be under review & if there was to be any GST change "He would take it to the people" Unlike Gillard who lied to the people days out from the election & look where that got her. Hello!!!!! anybody listening???
If we want NDIS,. Gonski, Medicare,PBS & all the other essential services, plus welfare for the needier, we have to look at the GST, it's a no brainer.