And We Call Islam Warped.......!

Apologies for the scroller, but I was so gobsmacked when I read this I had to check with snopes to make sure it wasn't a hoax.


TULSA, Okla. – Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin and other Republican lawmakers have called for the elimination of a plan that would tax businesses within the state in order to pay for tornado shelters to be placed in schools to protect children. They say the tax is an unnecessary burden on Oklahoma businesses,and that creating shelters specifically to protect children is an attempt to thwart God’s will.


After seven children died in 2013 from a series of tornados, Democratic State Representative Joe Dorman put forward a plan that would have reinstated a program taxing corporations $1.25 for every $1,000 they invested in the state. The money, expected to total close to $40 million annually, would then have been used to build tornado shelters at Oklahoma schools.

Republican leaders, however, were quick to put a stop to the plan. “Just adding on a new tax burden on Oklahomans is not the answer. If God sends a tornado to demolish a school, I’m sure He has a good reason. It is not our place to ask questions, nor to try and protect those children He has chosen to kill.”


Parent groups pushing for the shelters have tried to collect the 155,000 signatures needed to put the question on the ballot, but have had difficulty getting enough signatures after Republican Attorney General Scott Pruitt forced changes to the wording of the measure.


“I felt it was important for the measure to state that taxing corporations in order to build tornado shelters is not a Biblical-based idea,” said Pruitt. “I was afraid that citizens would think God sanctioned saving those children’s lives. The truth is if God wanted those children to live, then he wouldn’t kill them. I think that’s pretty obvious.”


“I would say just by suggesting we take measures to save the lives of those God has damned is pretty darned presumptuous,” said Governor Fallin. “He has a plan for us all, and you better be damned sure it does not involve raising the corporate tax rate.”

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And We Call Islam Warped.......!

sick sick sick

warped thinking....


this reinfoces my thoughts that i will never ever evah travel to the US for anything no how no way

Message 2 of 43
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And We Call Islam Warped.......!

EmojiLove in action.....

Message 3 of 43
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And We Call Islam Warped.......!

What a load of DILLS. They are not Christians TGSE or not true ones anyway. God doesn't send earthquakes, tornados or any other thing to kill anyone.


By the logic these dills are using, if someone is injured for any reason (kidney failure, accident etc) someone should tell all the Doctors not to save them because it's God's will - BUNKUM!!! {is that a word}.. 


@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

Apologies for the scroller, but I was so gobsmacked when I read this I had to check with snopes to make sure it wasn't a hoax.


TULSA, Okla. – Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin and other Republican lawmakers have called for the elimination of a plan that would tax businesses within the state in order to pay for tornado shelters to be placed in schools to protect children. They say the tax is an unnecessary burden on Oklahoma businesses,and that creating shelters specifically to protect children is an attempt to thwart God’s will.


After seven children died in 2013 from a series of tornados, Democratic State Representative Joe Dorman put forward a plan that would have reinstated a program taxing corporations $1.25 for every $1,000 they invested in the state. The money, expected to total close to $40 million annually, would then have been used to build tornado shelters at Oklahoma schools.

Republican leaders, however, were quick to put a stop to the plan. “Just adding on a new tax burden on Oklahomans is not the answer. If God sends a tornado to demolish a school, I’m sure He has a good reason. It is not our place to ask questions, nor to try and protect those children He has chosen to kill.”


Parent groups pushing for the shelters have tried to collect the 155,000 signatures needed to put the question on the ballot, but have had difficulty getting enough signatures after Republican Attorney General Scott Pruitt forced changes to the wording of the measure.


“I felt it was important for the measure to state that taxing corporations in order to build tornado shelters is not a Biblical-based idea,” said Pruitt. “I was afraid that citizens would think God sanctioned saving those children’s lives. The truth is if God wanted those children to live, then he wouldn’t kill them. I think that’s pretty obvious.”


“I would say just by suggesting we take measures to save the lives of those God has damned is pretty darned presumptuous,” said Governor Fallin. “He has a plan for us all, and you better be damned sure it does not involve raising the corporate tax rate.”

Message 4 of 43
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And We Call Islam Warped.......!

Common sense seems to flown out the window. 

Message 5 of 43
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And We Call Islam Warped.......!



JUST ENOUGH NEWS…Newslo is the first hybrid News/Satire platform on the web.


in the link, click on "show facts"






It is Fake








Message 6 of 43
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And We Call Islam Warped.......!

Some people are just stupid............... and don't need Religion to have an excuse.

Message 7 of 43
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And We Call Islam Warped.......!

"The Facts" do not include any reference to religion.


"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 8 of 43
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And We Call Islam Warped.......!

I don't get it....why are you picking on Islam in the heading and yet the op is SATIRE on christians???


Mannn I never want to get old 😕

Message 9 of 43
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And We Call Islam Warped.......!

The Facts



 "Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin and other Republican lawmakers have called for the elimination of a plan that would tax businesses within the state in order to pay for tornado shelters to be placed in schools to protect children. They say the tax is an unnecessary burden on Oklahoma businesses


After seven children died in 2013 from a series of tornados, Democratic State Representative Joe Dorman put forward a plan that would have reinstated a program taxing corporations $1.25 for every $1,000 they invested in the state. The money, expected to total close to $40 million annually, would then have been used to build tornado shelters at Oklahoma schools.


Republican leaders, however, were quick to put a stop to the plan. “Just adding on a new tax burden on Oklahomans is not the answer.



Parent groups pushing for the shelters have tried to collect the 155,000 signatures needed to put the question on the ballot, but have had difficulty getting enough signatures after Republican Attorney General Scott Pruitt forced changes to the wording of the measure."



"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
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