
 For those of you suffering from anxiety... I just wanted to let you know it's ok 🙂

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Re: Anxiety

how is your new  mansion here on earth?

Message 21 of 34
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Re: Anxiety

@jessicadazzler wrote:

 For those of you suffering from anxiety... I just wanted to let you know it's ok 🙂

I dont understand this- and maybe Ive missed something, but are you expressing 'its OK to suffer from anxiety' or are you saying 'for those of you suffering from anxiety' dont worry, I have too, and it will be OK?

Message 22 of 34
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Re: Anxiety


I have read stories and heard testimonies from people who have been to a better place, whether they "died" on the operating table or had a supernatural experience. Of course you can't trust everything everyone says, but some of the stories seem genuine. They generally all unite in that we do have bodies in heaven, but our thoughts and feelings are not as they are now.

Oh, joa, don't you believe that God (or whoever you believe in) would grant you the house of your dreams in heaven? I don't want a mansion either, a little English cottage would suit me!

As CS Lewis concluded, this earth is but a shadow of Heaven. We will need houses in heaven just as we need houses on earth. I read a story of a woman who saw her dead husband in heaven, and he lived in a house with a golf course in the garden. She said throughout his life on earth, he had always wanted a golf course in their garden. The bible says that God knows our heart's desires - and do you see that he gives them to us, even if they are in heaven?

This is a longer piece than I thought.... 😛
Message 23 of 34
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Re: Anxiety

So is this about religion, and not about anxiety?

Message 24 of 34
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Re: Anxiety

how is your new  mansion here on earth?


Not the modest house, but far better than the urmm, mansion before this. Borring though, here all by myself wishing for visitors, preferablly non smoking ones. A cat visits me at times, but a few minutes and i'm itching from fleas i'm guessing. That cat claws at my new sofa, and messes up the blinds getting in the window. Never heard him meow once, seems strange.

Message 25 of 34
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Re: Anxiety

Oh, joa, don't you believe that God (or whoever you believe in) would grant you the house of your dreams in heaven? I don't want a mansion either, a little English cottage would suit me!


I think maybe God is disapointed in me because ive pretty much given up, well, on striving to be all I can be. Building myself up so it all can be taken away just makes no sense to me. Staying down in the dirt kinda puts me in a place where i'm hardly noticable and for the most part i'm left alone by those who might hurt me. Just getting by, but comfortable for the most part. I'm good with that, just hope God is as well.


Said a friend to a friend one day:
I qas a man who passed away
St. Peter met him at the gate
Pete said: "Walk with me if you will
I'll take you to the house you built"
Man said: "I can't wait!"

Passed a mansion made of stone
But with each new house he's shown
They get smaller by degrees
Stopped in front of a two-room shack
Pete said: "Hope you're happy with that"
Man said: "How can this be?"
Pete say:

"Thats all the lumber, that's all the lumber
Thats all the lumber you sent
Looks like the Builder - man, He's got your number
Thats all the lumber you sent"

Man didn't know what to say
The poor guy was blown away
Said: "You mean this is what I deserve?"
Pete said: "I'm afraid it's so
It's too late but now you know
Shoulda done better work"


Said: "You mean not lie and cheat
And helpin' old ladies across the street?"
Pete says: "Well, that's a start
Remember that man back in that great big house?
He found out early what it's all about
Built that place with his heart - as for you

What if that man was me
And I failed that miserably
You're showin' me things I don't wanna see!

"St. Peter if you can
Send me back to Earth again
Is that somethin' you can do?"
Pete said: "It ain't up to me
If it was I'd like to see
How you plan to improve"

Said "I'd love God and fellow man
Take a wife and make a stand
Be the givin'est guy I can be
And when I get back to this neighborhood
There'd be a gigantic pile o' wood!
And I'd say: 'What's this I see?'- and you tell me

Thats all the lumber - all that's your lumber
Thats all the lumber you sent
Big Boss'll help you hammer it all together
Thats all the lumber you sent"

Message 26 of 34
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Re: Anxiety

So it's all just a sort of blackmail scam, isn't it?



How can a person make themselves believe if they do not believe?


How can someone who acts purposively, achieve heaven?


If god exists at all and is all-knowing, then he would know which people only put on the act of being good in order to get into heaven.


You cannot pretend to be good and caring of your neighbour; you have to really mean it; you have to really care.







Message 27 of 34
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Re: Anxiety


iapetus_rocks- Relating to what you wrote, I just read this yesterday, to celebrate Shelleys birth in 1792..



'Ah! What a divine religion might be found out if charity were really made the principle of it instead of faith.'

Percy Bysshe Shelley 





Message 28 of 34
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Re: Anxiety


Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant 5 or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful;[a] 6 it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. 7 Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.


8 Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away.1


1 When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways. 12 For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.


But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love. (Corinthians 13:4-13)

Message 29 of 34
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Re: Anxiety

Joa, I totally understand what you're saying, but as long as you're still breathing, God has not given up on you 🙂
Message 30 of 34
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