on 04-11-2013 09:57 PM
Does anyone have pet frogs???? My son just found a 3 legged frog in our yard...not in great shape. Not really sure what to do with it? I called it Fred...as in drop dead fred...but of cause my munchkins are hoping thats not the case. We have it in an old fish tank but not really sure what else to do?
on 05-11-2013 12:38 PM
I think you handle them as little as possible as the oils and chemicals on our skin is toxic to them
on 05-11-2013 08:21 PM
Thanks for all the frog tips. Fred seems very happy now!
on 05-11-2013 09:01 PM
Thats a great site for frog fanatics,all types of helpfull hints ect.Think its run by Melbourne Uni or something
on 05-11-2013 11:41 PM
I heard they taste pretty good, though haven't tried one yet.
06-11-2013 08:10 PM - edited 06-11-2013 08:11 PM
I'm not a frog lover per se. I don't think I'd like to touch one or have one jump on me. I'm a bit funny like that.
I did find this one cute though:
still a princess magnet lol.