on โ29-09-2013 09:13 PM
It's neally finished, but watch it on-line, what an amazing family.
Matthew Ames.
on โ29-09-2013 09:59 PM
Quite something wasn't it Freddie. I know it's a Utopian thought but wouldn't it just be so wonderful if we were able to provide any and all healthcare to everyone. Whatever they needed. I'm sure in the long run it would be cost effective with people being more inclined to seek help before they got too sick and ended up needing more care and treatment.
I can dream I know but I often look at the money wasted on everything else and then see people struggling just to get basic care. But I guess we are still lucker than a lot of other countries.
on โ29-09-2013 10:04 PM
I agree AB, wasn't he a brave fellow, the determination in his face when he attempted each challenge was amazing. Such a beautiful loving family, I hope he gets all the help he needs to lead a fulfilling happy life.