on 26-02-2014 09:25 AM
on 26-02-2014 07:43 PM
@donnashuggy wrote:Yes people are obviously concerned about those traffic jams in western sydney 🙂
that particular member asked a question today, first chance she's been given to speak i can recall . i was surprised that Julie bishop sounds the more sophomoric of the two. when the PM or whatever is at the dispatch box there is a blond member with a 'seventh heaven' mouth placed in the row behind him.. all collagen and no iceberg i guess, not a peep out of her so far.
on 26-02-2014 07:51 PM
on 26-02-2014 07:55 PM
if ever there was a witch . she's the worst speaker in memory.
on 26-02-2014 07:57 PM
on 26-02-2014 08:00 PM
@donnashuggy wrote:But it does make it entertaining at least, not sure how they let her get away with it, there must be someone on the right that can see it?
with considerable glee i'd say. they know allright, its part of the plan. her exchange with burke was bizzarre .. she lied barefaced to the house the freak.
on 26-02-2014 08:03 PM
on 26-02-2014 08:15 PM
i'd say that is part of the objective, get someone to lose it. then they can cry ''Thugs verbal assault on elderly lady'' etc
on 26-02-2014 08:19 PM
on 26-02-2014 08:31 PM
"if ever there was a witch . she's the worst speaker in memory." Depends on how good your selective memory is LL. It would be hard to beat the nasal drone of the departed Poor Me reciting the programming of her imported adviser inbetween the regular performances of the Circus Knife Throwing act by: the amazing ALP Duo.
"Papua New Guinea's opposition has resurrected a constitutional challenge to Australia's detention centre on Manus Island"
on 26-02-2014 08:36 PM
amazing how convincing the woman of calibre routine can be to a jaundiced myopic eye MM