on 02-12-2021 04:29 PM
This thread is for news reports, police reports, etc., concerning abusive behaviour, assaults, or other types of bad behaviour by people who become aggressive when asked to QR-scan in, show vaccination certificate, asked to wear masks where they are required, and so on.
It's also for discussion of those behaviours and reports.
It would be very desirable if there were some way to de-escalate these conflicts and reassure people who don't want to be vaccinated that they can still buy online without risking anyone else's health by their stance... or find some other means of calming down the situation.
It may not be possible; people who are anti-COVID-vaccination are generally speaking extremely convinced of the rightness of their views, and I understand and respect the right of people to refuse vaccination... as long as those people in turn respect the right of communities in general to protect themselves. It is a terrible conflict, and I do realise that for some it's a religious matter, for some it is a cultural matter, for some it's very difficult to go against family, for some it's a matter of "Don't tell me what to do, because if you do, I absolutely won't do whatever it is you want me to do", for some it's the "rabbit-hole", for some it's because so much misinformation is flooding their social media that they are terrified of the vaccines... so there are a number of issues here.
Anyway, let's have at it.
on 03-12-2021 01:29 PM
WA Premier Mark McGowan says United States-based white supremacist groups are spreading misinformation online to cause fear about COVID-19 vaccinations in remote Aboriginal communities in Western Australia.
"Just now we heard from one Aboriginal person who said white supremacist groups are sending information to Aboriginal people that they shouldn't get vaccinated.
"Now, the suspicion is these white supremacist groups out of America wouldn't be unhappy if bad outcomes occurred to the health of Aboriginal people in Australia.
"That's the problem we face."
on 04-12-2021 07:32 PM
In other words...
An Italian man who wanted a Covid vaccination certificate without getting the jab turned up for his vaccine with a fake arm, officials say.
The man, in his 50s, arrived for his shot with a silicone mould covering his real arm, hoping it would go unnoticed.
But a nurse was not fooled and the man has now been reported to the police.
The nurse told local media that when she had rolled up his sleeve, she found the skin "rubbery and cold" and the pigment "too light".
After being discovered, the man tried to persuade the nurse to turn a blind eye, la Repubblica reported. But instead she reported him to the police for fraud.
Local police are now investigating the incident in Biella, north-west Italy, and local officials have criticised the man's actions.
"The case borders on the ridiculous, if it were not for the fact we are talking about a gesture of enormous gravity," the head of the Piedmont regional government, Albert Cirio, said in a statement on Facebook.
He said the ploy was "unacceptable faced with the sacrifice that our entire community has paid during the pandemic, in terms of human lives, the social and economic cost".
The man was reportedly a health worker who had been suspended from his job because he had not been vaccinated. The jab is mandatory for all health workers in Italy.
La Repubblica suggests the incident may not have been a one-off, pointing to a message on social media that may have been written by the man.
The Twitter post quoted by the paper featured a silicone male chest half-body suit, complete with fake arms and neck, that was on sale on Amazon for €488 (£416).
"If I go with this, will they notice? Maybe beneath the silicone I'll even put on some extra clothes to avoid the needle reaching my real arm," the Twitter user reportedly wrote.
Also see: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-59524527
This is so grotesque and weirdly funny that I'm groaning and almost hysterical with laughter, all at the same time. This man is a HEALTH WORKER, for goodness' sake! And yet he's behaved like a prize twit. A fake arm! Santo cielo! Silicone sacro! Fermare! non ne posso più!
on 05-12-2021 09:36 AM
I can't understand how a silicon mould over the arm would prevent him getting the injection. He said he might put a few layers of clothing under the mould, but how thick did he intend to make it and did he not think the feel of the injection might be completely different, going through layers of clothing, and a nurse might not notice?
He doesn't sound like the brightest light on the Christmas tree, does he?
on 05-12-2021 09:56 AM
LOL Springy - and we all know when one of those bulbs goes - the lot do.
on 05-12-2021 10:21 AM
@countessalmirena wrote:Hunter Valley 'freedom pub' licensee convicted, fined over COVID-19 vaccination breaches
A crowd of protesters cheered and shouted "justice" as the licensee of a Hunter Valley "freedom pub" emerged from court after being convicted for repeated breaches of COVID-19 health orders.
Bradley John Hill, the 57-year-old licensee of the Caledonian Hotel in Singleton, waged a public campaign against COVID-19 vaccination requirements.
Hill was hit with multiple penalty infringement notices in October for failing to comply with COVID-19 public health orders, which led to the temporary closure of the venue.
He was later charged with two counts of allowing unvaccinated people into his pub.
SpoilerHill was cheered into Singleton Court by a crowd of 80 protesters, some of whom held signs criticising "tyranny" and "discrimination".
Emerging after a five-minute hearing, Hill told his supporters the matter was "done".
"I tried to read my statement and he would not listen," he said.
"They won't want to hear it, that's why — because it's illegal what they're doing."
Despite Hill's conviction minutes earlier, protesters shouted "justice" before asking to drink at the pub.
'Who are you?'
Inside court, Hill, who was not wearing a mask, approached a microphone before immediately taking issue with his identification.
Magistrate Mark Richardson asked if he was Bradley John Hill, to which he replied, "Mr Hill is not in the court, I am Bradley John".
"Who are you? Why are you standing in the court?" Magistrate Richardson said.
"You have no entitlement to be standing there."
With the accused and Magistrate at loggerheads, Hill's name was called three times by the court sheriff before an application was granted to have the matter dealt with as if Hill were absent.
He was convicted and fined $3,000.
'Severe anxiety'
Police facts tendered in court detailed repeated breaches of COVID-19 public health orders at the Caledonian Hotel.
Police attended the venue multiple times and warned Hill about being in the hotel while unvaccinated and for failing to check the vaccination status of patrons.
On October 15, Hill was "was seated in the public bar on a bar stool and was consuming a schooner of beer with another person", the document stated.
When police asked if he had updated his vaccination status, he said he had spoken to a doctor who had provided a letter.
"The letter states there is no absolute medical contraindication to COVID immunisation, but the accused does have firmly held beliefs and severe anxiety about getting vaccinated," the police facts said.
Police believed the letter did not meet the requirement under the Public Health Act and later that evening witnessed staff failing to verify the vaccination status of patrons.
'So unfair'
A protester outside Singleton Court named Fiona said she was a preschool educator and had been unable to work due to vaccination requirements.
"I'm here because this is so unfair, what's happening," she said.
Another protester named Tony Sosich said he was at the courthouse to "keep Australia free".
Clay Hill, who claimed to have organised of the protest, said Bradley John Hill had been "victimised" by NSW Police.
He said he organised the demonstration via social media and that attendees had travelled from Port Macquarie and Taree.
I... would be speechless if it weren't for the words that want to launch from my mouth like Shakespearean missiles.
If you search the pub on facebook you will find a "wrong information " post that has been shared over 1000 times that states ole mate the publican got off. not even people posting links to the MSM "mainstream media" will help those lost souls who just want it to be true . In fact they denounce the links as propaganda ..... It is mooted that pavlovs dog has a permanent water bowl at this fine Singleton establishment...
on 08-12-2021 02:26 AM
(From the media release for 4 December 2021)
There are now 39 COVID-19 cases linked to the recent mass gatherings in the Melbourne CBD in November, an increase of three since yesterday.
Of these cases, it is known only one case was fully vaccinated and three cases had received one dose of vaccine.
Three people have been admitted to hospital and one is in intensive care.
Public health investigations have determined that 14 cases attended the mass gatherings while infectious, with 22 cases deemed to have possibly acquired COVID-19 during the protests. Investigations are continuing.
Anyone who has even the mildest COVID-19 symptoms is urged to get tested.
There are an additional 32 COVID-19 cases that are linked indirectly to the protests via spread to family members and at other social events from people who attended the protests.
on 08-12-2021 08:28 AM
Christina Hartmann Benz, 51, was charged over allegations she fraudulently recorded that the vaccine had been given to a 15-year-old boy who attended a medical practice in St James with his father last month.
It was alleged she inserted a needle into the teenager's arm but failed to administer the vaccine.
At the time, police said the syringe with the vaccine still inside was disposed of, with a false entry made on the medical records that it had been given by another staff member.
The story goes on to say that the charges were dropped due to a lack of evidence.
on 08-12-2021 01:10 PM
I suspect that, apart from the doctor who dobbed her in, all the potential witnesses were co- conspirators and refused to testify against her.
on 08-12-2021 06:18 PM
There would be enough room for reasonable doubt if it came to court, even though - like you - I suspect that's exactly what happened.
on 09-12-2021 07:59 AM
@countessalmirena wrote:New cases linked to CBD protests
(From the media release for 4 December 2021)
There are now 39 COVID-19 cases linked to the recent mass gatherings in the Melbourne CBD in November, an increase of three since yesterday.
Of these cases, it is known only one case was fully vaccinated and three cases had received one dose of vaccine.
Three people have been admitted to hospital and one is in intensive care.
Public health investigations have determined that 14 cases attended the mass gatherings while infectious, with 22 cases deemed to have possibly acquired COVID-19 during the protests. Investigations are continuing.
Anyone who has even the mildest COVID-19 symptoms is urged to get tested.
There are an additional 32 COVID-19 cases that are linked indirectly to the protests via spread to family members and at other social events from people who attended the protests.
I bet that in reality there are a lot more than that.
I can tell you of one. My daughter works (or worked) with a woman who was extremely anti vax.
She moves in anti vax circles and boasts about it, says there are doctors, cafes etc they all know about where they will get support etc
She naturally attended the rallies and came down with covid but she won't be in the stats, she bought a rapid tester and tested herself.
She says she had 5 rugged days "where she 'could have died' but she is over the worst now and feels okay and it just goes to prove that your own immune system is all you need."
I might add she is younger and normally healthy, so she would be at lower risk anyway, the authorities and health professionals have never claimed otherwise.
There will be literally dozens of others like her out there. These people are of a mind set that often won't acknowledge conventional medicine so they are going to be reluctant to have official tests unless they are really, really unwell. They won't want to bring discredit on their group as spreaders either.
Just a note about a problem I foresee. This woman is a teacher. Teachers had to have the vaccine or at least the first dose, by about Nov 18th from memory. Around that timeline in any case.
This woman applied for carer's leave (she has a terminally ill father. That part is true, although he is currently doing reasonably okay and may still have a year or two). She was granted leave.
She is now boasting that because she had covid, she can return to teaching without having to be vaccinated. I am not sure what the period is for this, I think it used to be 6 months but may be as little as 6 weeks now, I have heard conflicting reports.
Now, this woman has some long service leave she could take etc
But what happens when she runs out of paid leave? I presume the prin would grant her compassionate unpaid leave. But the thing is, this is holding a job open and it means some other staff who are on short term contracts cannot be offered ongoing.
The prin is well aware of the woman's stance as the woman was stupid enough to send the prin an extreme, anti vaccination email.
Are schools going to be able to sack ongoing staff though? I would say principals are currently in very awkward positions.