on 21-02-2014 06:52 PM
on 23-02-2014 10:50 AM
Passed over by machete.
23-02-2014 10:51 AM - edited 23-02-2014 10:52 AM
Perhaps monman would find that more palatable Freaky?
When you say it like that it sounds like he slipped away so peacefully doesn't it?
on 23-02-2014 12:04 PM
@i-need-a-martini wrote:Perhaps monman would find that more palatable Freaky?
When you say it like that it sounds like he slipped away so peacefully doesn't it?
haha, possibly. Although it still might not be acceptable with the lack of precise evidence.
Murdered as a side effect of seeking a safe life. If this is the type of person who is willing to risk death by boat....
http://www.defencereservessupport.gov.au/media/188424/news_breakers_march_2012.pdf (2nd story p3)
It's amusing how evidence is not required to bag out Labor or to diagnose those who may have supported them with an imaginary mental health disorder, yet is demanded on other occassions during the course of normal conversation.
Apparently one speech is enough to label Gillard as crying poor me for the duration of her PMship.
Perhaps the sheep and goat image depicts the turmoil within.
on 23-02-2014 12:08 PM
on 23-02-2014 12:47 PM
"you mean the Prime Minister for Unemployment......."
All he is doing B1G is maintaining the tradition of the previous Rudd government, or was it that of Poor Me, anyway the "Circus Duo".
And now ably orchestrated in the contribution to unemployed, the AMWU, who obtained a Federal Court injunction preventing Toyota workers from having a say in their possible future with Toyota, which as a result of the injunction is: NONE.
23-02-2014 02:16 PM - edited 23-02-2014 02:17 PM
"I am sure Monman will come back and apologise, he is really nice like that I wonder if the title of my thread is more acceptable now?"
You mean this title DY: "Azita Bokan witnessed violent assaults on Manus Island"? because in an interview "Ms Bokan says she did not witness the violence, but was in the area where the injured were taken, and was told injuries were caused by machetes, knives, rocks and table legs."
What need I apologise for, unless you have another thread elsewhere titled "Azita Bokan did not witness violent assaults"?
"He was deliberately and unlawfully killed. That's murder as far as I am concerned." You have conveniently excluded a major
element : "malice aforethought" (with qualifications).
"We call it murder when a drunken lout pushes a kid over and he hits his head on the footpath on George street and subsequently dies".
No we do not INAM, and who exactly is "we" ?, because it did not include the legal system or even your "touted" SMH.
Kieran Loveridge was today jailed for at least four years for manslaughter
The parents of Sydney teenager Thomas Kelly have branded the four-year jail sentence given to the youth who killed their son
In a decision that is set to reignite debate about the sentences handed down for manslaughter offences in NSW.
I am being pedantic apropos the use of the term "murder", and you INAM politically emotional perhaps?
I will add fuel to the debate and mention that the death occurred in PNG, which has a somewhat "lawless" society, and thus falls under their judicial system which e.g. :
In PNG "The death penalty now appears to apply to a longer list of crimes, including sorcery-related murder, rape and robbery, and provides for new methods of execution, including by lethal injection, hanging, electrocution, firing squad, and “medical death by deprivation of oxygen”.
In a world that has a preponderance of patriarchal societies, (CS though being matriarchal) it is worth a thought that manslaughter can be also read as: man's laughter.
on 23-02-2014 02:34 PM
on 23-02-2014 02:37 PM