BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Seems to be a lack of threads for blokes.
On other threads,some ladies have mentioned, their OHs
would post, but had no interest in most of the threads on offer.
I can bump this thead twice a day,so its easy to find.
Give it a go---Richo.
Message 1 of 98,299
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Good morning Ooaks.


Yep not hard to get into a rut and the....same same.


Since i stopped work i have lots of old stories--but nothing


Geez the fires in WA are bad and big---will take some putting out........................................Richo///////.


Message 29721 of 98,299
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

i just saw the fires on the news soo bad !  must be terrifying for those involved 


we had bushfires near us around 10 years ago and it got VERY close i saw a gum tree burst into fire from my neighbours bedroom


window and she was only 6 houses from us it was dam scairy !!!


hows the knee Richo ?? will you be able to manage the g/sales o.k ??

Message 29722 of 98,299
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Knee is fair Ooaks--be able to handle the market and gs in the morning.


Still not sure about loading up and selling at the swap meet-

-lot of heavy work involved.


Heading out.........bbl........................Richo/////.

Message 29723 of 98,299
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

saw a show on t.v a few years back about Lord Byron he was always moving around the country by horse and cart and his servant had


to load and unload it up with loads of books every time and he said under his breath F*****G books !!!!!!!!!!!!!  hubby and i p**d ourselves


laughing and we still say it now when we have to move stuff ( said it a lot when we were packing the house up to move lol )


anway i think of it a lot with all your book stories hehehe


not being morbid here just nosey what will your kids do with them when one day 40-50 years from now (lol) when you fall off the


branch??  do they share your interest in them?


i have sold almost everything surplus my daughter would just chuck it all in a skip i know, so i at least we got a few bucks for it 


Woman Happy before she gets to toss it 


they have never repeated that show wish they would it was good



Message 29724 of 98,299
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Morning all, 


So true Ooaks about what one has to pass on,my cousins farm that we want him to sell because of his health,will go to his son when he dies,the son will straight away sell it,I have been having tip outs for years now.


Waves to everyone,hope everyone is well

Message 29725 of 98,299
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Not applicable

Morning Richo, everyone.  I had a big clean up when I sold the house, but have given all the grandkids things that belonged to Les, and the girls have all the jewellery that I don't wear, some was my grandmothers', haha and they have strict instructions not to bury me with any jewellery on.  I like to think one day Hannah will use my wedding ring.


Fires are terrible Richo, poor folk over there, floods will leave something  behind but fires take everything.


Have a great folks, BBL//// 



Message 29726 of 98,299
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Would need a plot the size of a house block to bury me with all the books Linda.


Sometimes lying it the cot--looking at 5 bookcases with books piled on top

(with a lean)-i think i might get burried alive in the


Own up -who won the big lotto..........................................................Richo///////.

Message 29727 of 98,299
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

hi linda--- you will know from experience packing up a house its just crazy the amount of stuff we gather over years isnt it ,


and we have always! been chucker outers my hubby is a VERY big neat freak (as you have all prob gathered by now lol )


and we still got a big surprise at the huge amount we dident realy use Woman Surprised anyway all gone now just a very few odds and ends to get rid of


bush fires are the scairiest what a worry when they start to get closer Woman Sad i hope no one gets killed this time Heart


true words floods a few things can be saved, fire gone Woman Sad



jv---  your cousin could prob live a bit of a easier life if he sold now ( specialy if hes somewhere that the prices have gone up )


but it is a scairy thing moving when your older and have been in the same place for years


we were terrified Woman Surprised and couldn't believe we were doing it lol


but its the best thing we ever did !!  not been sorry for 1 second ( even though the stress nearly killed us lol ) 


should have seen the smiles on our faces as the removalist truck pulled away and it was all over Woman Very HappyMan Very Happy

Message 29728 of 98,299
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

lol Richo you are a worry Woman Surprised


books next to the oven now leaning piles in your bed room Woman Surprised


do you read them !!  you must have pretty good eyes if you do !!!!




it wasent us that won im sure because we didnt have a ticket


think its going to get hotter than predicted here Woman Sad its going up very fast

Message 29729 of 98,299
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Dont read much these days Ooaks--just a hoarder--and good at it.


There are 10 bookcases in the lounge room as


The blaardy BOM--Melb..Melb airport and Bairnsdale are not

showing weather details---have washing to put out....mumble.....................Richo/////.

Message 29730 of 98,299
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