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BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Seems to be a lack of threads for blokes.
On other threads,some ladies have mentioned, their OHs
would post, but had no interest in most of the threads on offer.
I can bump this thead twice a day,so its easy to find.
Give it a go---Richo.
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Hello, hello, hello, hello - at long last.


Just logged in - haven't read back.  Been a busy day with cards and another visitor.


This other computer shop certainly moved fast but did ask who had been fooling with it.  The first shop cleaned it out and put some cooling gel in it.  2nd shop said there were screws missing and the wrong gel used!  Nearly cancelled the warranty because of it.


Our 46th wedding anniversary today.  Frank has 2 minutes silence - 1 for the fallen and one for him.


Cousin with the bung finger has a lot to do with the local RSL.  He gave me a job last Thursday to make 2 curtains to unvail 2 new plaques on the cenotaph.  Was up to me to work out how to attach them as well.  Anyway, all went well.  I bought some of those velcro type thingos that you attach pictures to the wall with.


Will be back later - time for dinner then I may have a read back.  Good to be back.



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Message 11201 of 98,863
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

JV-hope it all works out on Wed.

Sandy --great to see you back on the threads.

Lol at Franks thinking.

Congratulation to both of you-46 years -you have been through a lot in that time..........Richo.

Message 11202 of 98,863
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Evening Richo & Everyone.


Lovely to have you back Sandy, we all missed you.


The rose has lots of buds on it, some just opening, will post pic when out properly.


JV, do you still have the hives?


It is freezing tonight, have ducted heating on, and they reckon rain for the next two days, looks like plenty of scrapbooking for me.


Nothing on TV, think I will go to bed and read.



Message 11203 of 98,863
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Evening all


Good to see you Sandy and glad you got the beast sorted, and thanks for the well wishes Richo getting there heading for the rack have a good evening everyone:)



Message 11204 of 98,863
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Thanks all - I certainly missed you all.


Beautiful picture jv - is that one of yours?  Good luck for your tests - you must be getting mighty sick of them.


The rose sounds beautiful purple. 


How's the hip going Linda?  When is Lou's op?


I know how you feel carting the guy from HQ around richo. Buy some lollies for him to chew - might stop him from talking.  Take the short route that day.


Our baby is now drinking from a sippy cup and becoming very determined.  Checks out everything and doesn't like to miss anything.  She was scooting around in her walker the other day and very nearly grabbed the cavalier on the way past.  Likes her food and eats most things.  Didn't like banana but ate it mixed with oats.  She is allowed to have anything - even spaghetti bolagnese.  Loved the chicken casserole.


We are going on holiday on Friday and James will be doing a reading at church on Friday - Kim's going to film it for us.  He also got an award today for good time management.


Will wish you all goodnight - see you tomorrow (yay).



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Message 11205 of 98,863
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Morning blokes and sheilas.

Great parrot pic JV-you sure have a variety of wildlife nearby.

Weather looks ordinary for the next few days PH.

Going away again Sandy-good onya.

Is your puta working as normal now?

Been watching -Auction Room on the ABC before the news at 6 30pm.

Good guide for values of items that could be found at gs.

Hows the hanging tomato bush going Linda-had a feed from it yet?...................Richo.

Message 11206 of 98,863
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Good morning richo, everyone.  Terrible day richo.  Summer in 3 weeks!


Don't think I will walk today.  Felt a bit light headed again yesterday and I'm sure my blood pressure is dropping too low - probably need my medication adjusted again with all the weight I have lost.


Yes, off again richo and I am looking forward to it - been very busy lately and will be good to have no pressure.  Not sure whether to take my computer or not.  Will be having a prawn sandwich sometime soon.  Having lunch in Euroa with friends on the way then Frank's nephew & partner from Benalla is joining us for dinner.  I really like his partner so looking forward to it.


Finish the holiday staying with friends on a sheep station up near Stawell and guess what, the obligatory first meal with be roast leg of lamb!  They kill their own and it is always on the menu.  We enjoy their company and it is always a great stay.  They are the card lovers so we will be playing 500 every night.  Matt & Kim go camping to the Prom the weekend we get home - hope the wind and rai  settles down or the new tent may settle in Tassie!


Hope everyone is feeling on top of the world and jv's problems get sorted out.  The year is fast approaching the end and next year may be better for everyone.


Have a good day at work richo.

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Message 11207 of 98,863
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Good morning Sandy.

Week away will be good for you-recharge the batteries.

Best not to walk if you feel crook.---catch up.....................Richo.

Message 11208 of 98,863
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Not applicable

Morning Richo, Sandy (yeah!), JV, Purple, KK, Kess, everyone.  Congratulations Sandy and Frank, 46 years of marriage is wonderful. You need a break, enjoy it!   Will be good when your test is finished JV.  It should give them a better idea what you heart is doing.  I am going to Grandparents Day at Kinder today, Han has 8 days of Kinder left.


A  fact you probably didn't know...................Galah's are tough to eat.........................and................probaly never wanted to know, hahaha



Have a great folks.

Message 11209 of 98,863
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

thought I'd place this one here for the boys..



The Crack Team.."... (a screenplay for a beer add perhaps..)


Doucheman the general, a crusty old coot
eyed up the Sergent of high repute;

"This is a battle of ferocious intent
Red eyed she-male with poison to vent
A fighting force of violent femme.
A Four day force vicious to men.
PMT killers strike again and again!

An orgy of blood, outnumbered twenty to one
Shred'em to bits without using a gun.
They hunt four days ahead of the moon
Impending madness, inevitable doom.
Using all means morals beware
Seduce and remove or starve 'em of air.
Set in Iraq in sexy ripped clothes
The Cheryls and Berryls rip off heads and toes
Tiffy and Starbeam seduce'n then slay
Summer collects man sacks ...
An artist at play.
Send in the regulars now they're full'a fear
let the girls lick their wounds and have a beer
the red bull'll hit 'em, they'll start to cry
then get out'a there sergeant, leg it or die!
Our last sarge stayed there way too long
He's now in the bin lashed by thong
"Be on your toes sergeant Barcoo,
'cos they won't even know
what their minds will do!
Round'em up treat'em as foe
some won't wanna stop,
Again....On your toes!"

With borderline sexist cleches
I think we should call them
..."The Red Sash Berrets" ...
A cast of boobs in commando shorts
a secret battalion who never aborts

Message 11210 of 98,863
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