BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Seems to be a lack of threads for blokes.
On other threads,some ladies have mentioned, their OHs
would post, but had no interest in most of the threads on offer.
I can bump this thead twice a day,so its easy to find.
Give it a go---Richo.
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BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Good morning ๐Ÿ™‚


Wow Richo you really are copping it over your way, wind is fairly light here atm, hoping it doesnt PU later on  ....  Light drizzle since around 4.30 am, i know this 'cause  Kaiser decided that he needed to go outside at that un godly hour .... grrrrr   .... Great that you are able to help your daughter, hopefully she will listen to you ( they usually dont lol )


JV  My front garden is very open to the elements, cops heaps of wind, I tend to go for native plants around the fence lines, they seem to cope better tan exotic plants.  Agree re  "them" being like kids, makes life interesting at times lol


Ooak I hope you have a better day today, sending a big hug ๐Ÿ™‚


8 degrees would have been a bit of a shock CC, how is your DD going re her driving lessons? Has she had any more?


Sounds like Matt might need a bit of a check up Sandy, 22 is very young for a stroke, would be quite upsetting for his work colleagues.  


Have a few deliveries to make in Hamilton this morning, more junk goodies gone from my house lol   ..... Will do a bit of top up shopping, not a box of fire lighters to be found in this town, so will stock up while we are in  there.  



Hoping everyone has a good day ๐Ÿ™‚



Message 36171 of 98,293
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BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Morning Bushie.


Geez-no fire lighters--rub 2 sticks together .lol.


On FB-seen a video of a bloke using a few snack biscuits to start campfires.

Think they were ..Dorritos?-must have a lot of oil in them.


Up the bush we use sellies instant wood----------chainsaw fuel,

Best put on -before lighting.


Heading out shortly--no hat..............................................................Richo/////.

Message 36172 of 98,293
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BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Morning all again,


Richo u need to wear a beanie downtown got to prevent earache.


Baby was barking at the pos next door gardening in the dark is a right creep.


Bushie yes natives r a lot in the yard for the birds.


Ooaks how u doing a bit better today


Cc was cooler last night am still in peddle pushers n a t shirt,don't feel the cold lol

Message 36173 of 98,293
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BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Good morning richo and all.


Running late (shopping morning) so no chatting.


I like to shop while Frank is playing table tennis then he picks me up when he's finished.


Very, very windy here - I had a nature call at 4.30 so let the pup out while I was up and she nearly got blown away!


Have a good day everyone ......

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Message 36174 of 98,293
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BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Not applicable

Morning Richo, everyone.  Still raining a bit here, no flooding though.


Hope all the sickies are feeling better today.


Sandy if Terry sees a needle he feints, always has, he can have one, as long as he does not see it.  We all have our small fears.  Hope Matt comes good, it is stressful starting a new job


Hope the hat stays on today Richo.


Have a great folks////

Message 36175 of 98,293
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BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

hi everyone 

hope you are all trudging along ok Heart


i have been reading but not up to answering all the news


and would you believe 2 peeps are soposed to come today for pick ups at least i wont care if they dont show hehe


trying to do even less than i usualy do ( which is not much ) and hoping it gets better soon 


no wind here yet but some predicted 


Richo you might need your magnet shoes on today ! geez huge winds !! 

Message 36176 of 98,293
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BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Morning Sandy and Linda.


Mongrel day for being outside Sandy.


Ooaks-did the OH get that parcel to the right address-blaardy AP.


The rain might clean up the Murray.Linda.


What was the pos doing outside in the dark JV?


Bin out next-few domestics on the go....................................................................

Message 36177 of 98,293
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BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

yer Richo he poped it down as soon as he got home 


it made me mad also because the postie must need glasses!!


we dont know the neighbours who's it was, but hubby said she was happy to receive it Woman Happy

Message 36178 of 98,293
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BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Arvo all.


Wil try and keep my head down again today.  Not sleeping.  4 hours again.

Brain won't shut up and neither will the aches and pains.

But still, some folks are worse than me.


Ooak,  hope you're improving.  Can only get better, right?


Sure hope Linda gets some good news today.  Waiting must be horrible for her


Sandy, off and runnning again - no stopping you, girl


CC, suddenly cold?   Hahahahahaha .....sorry, did I say that out loud?


Bushie, can you put a big fence up at your place and stop this wind please?


Richo's right.   Doritos make excellent firelighters. 


Also, if you want to keep food longer, if you snap off a corner of a Dorito, light it and drop it in a jar with the food and screw the lid on, it uses all the oxygen and the seal on the jar pops in again.


Handy hint for the


Had my magnet boots on and made it to daughter's today.  It's quite warm.


20 deg and the top was supposed to be 19  -  go figure





Message 36179 of 98,293
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BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Arvo Stawka.


Do you have some..long servce leave you could take?


Geez you need more than 4 hours sleep a night.


Great food storeage hint--trouble is not eating the packet full.


17 degs--still windy.....sun comes out at times...........................................................Richo////////.

Message 36180 of 98,293
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