Bah bye Tone

OMG I am so glad! - phew my ears could not take it anymore


all that umming and ZA ing and not actually saying anything was murdering my ears, seriously, place yourself ion public office -LEARN HOW TO SPEAK FIRST!!


Now we have a leader who has statesman material and can actually speak eloquently and concisley!



Message 1 of 125
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124 REPLIES 124

Bah bye Tone

Oh, so he's been taking calls all week from world leaders?  


Maybe a commiseration call but I think it's more likely that Turnbull would be taking the calls now.

Message 81 of 125
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Bah bye Tone

@j*oono wrote:

Oh, so he's been taking calls all week from world leaders?  



yep, no 'sobbin' under the blankets Smiley Very Happy

Message 82 of 125
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Bah bye Tone

@fiestas*girl wrote:

Atleast Rudd returned to work! there he is sitting on the back bench in the pic above, he had the kahunas to show up


but where was tone?


sobbin under the blankets!

hardly Woman LOLWoman LOLWoman LOL





Tony Abbott poses for selfies during post-spill dinner

Tony Abbott has been ousted from the highest job in Australia yet that hasn't stopped him from taking time out for selfies while out on the town.


The former prime minister was spotted last night by former Big Brother star Jason Roses while eating at Turkish restaurant Ottoman Cuisine in Canberra.


Mr Abbott, his daughter Louise and her boyfriend reportedly arrived at the restaurant at 8pm and stayed for over two hours, with the three-course meal interrupted by scores of diners asking Mr Abbott for photo.

"(I walked up to him and asked) do you mind if I take a photo with you?" Mr Roses told The Daily Telegraph.


Mr Roses said Mr Abbott stood up and agreed, asking him his name and what his plans were for the night.



"I said to him I hope you’re well and everything is OK," Mr Roses said, to which the former PM replied, "I'm well."

"About 10 people went up throughout the night and asked him for a selfie, he was very obliging."


Mr Roses uploaded the photo to his Instagram page, with a caption lamenting Mr Abbott's position on marriage equality.

"Whilst you did accomplish some things during your term the greatest mark and legacy you could have created was giving your support to gay marriage. You could've been remembered as the prime minister who gave equality to so many," he posted.


Mr Abbott has kept a low-profile since losing the prime ministership to Malcolm Turnbull after a snap leadership vote on Monday.

He was notably absent from Question Time following the spill but has indicated he intends to remain in politics.


While preparing to exit Kirribilli House in Sydney on Friday afternoon, Mr Abbott briefly spoke to the media "to thank the people of Australia".




Dinner selfie ... former Big Brother contestant Jason Roses with Tony Abbott in Canberra. Picture: jasonroses/Instagram



Going ... Tony Abbott and his wife Margie prepare to leave Kirribilli House in Sydney for the final time. Picture: Jeremy Piper


Going ... Tony Abbott and his wife Margie prepare to leave Kirribilli House in Sydney for the final time. Picture: Jeremy PiperSource:News Corp Australia


Margie Abbott ... preparing to leave Kirribilli House in Sydney. Picture: Jeremy Piper


Margie Abbott ... preparing to leave Kirribilli House in Sydney. Picture: Jeremy PiperSource:News Corp Australia


On his way out ... Tony Abbott about to leave Kirribilli House. Picture: Jeremy Piper


On his way out ... Tony Abbott about to leave Kirribilli House. Picture: Jeremy PiperSource:News Corp Australia


Farewell ... Tony Abbott leaving on an RAAF plane at Fairbairn base in Canberra. Picture: Kym Smith



Farewell ... Tony Abbott leaving on an RAAF plane at Fairbairn base in Canberra. Picture: Kym SmithSource:News Corp Australia




Message 83 of 125
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Bah bye Tone

Bah bye Tone.


busking tony.jpg

Message 84 of 125
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Bah bye Tone

Woman LOL


good one


that reminds me of another funny 





Posted Image

Message 85 of 125
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Bah bye Tone

Community Member

Tony Abbott and his family? class all the way.

Busy taking calls from world leaders incl Obama.


Rudd begged for a phone call from  Obama but it never came.


The vile comments and undignified glee shown on here only really goes to their character and its not pretty.





Message 86 of 125
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Bah bye Tone

how weird is this though??  so he said his farewells and hopped on the VIP jet, but did he really leave or did he leave and fly back?? I hope all  this wasn't at taxpayers expense


Tony Abbott almost had us fooled when he said he was about to say his final farewells to Sydney's prime ministerial pad on Friday afternoon

But just two hours later Mr Abbott was back, if not as a resident then as a very familiar guest, welcoming more than 50 St Ignatius old boys for their 40th reunion.

Message 87 of 125
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Bah bye Tone

@debra9275 wrote:

how weird is this though??  so he said his farewells and hopped on the VIP jet, but did he really leave or did he leave and fly back?? I hope all  this wasn't at taxpayers expense


Tony Abbott almost had us fooled when he said he was about to say his final farewells to Sydney's prime ministerial pad on Friday afternoon

But just two hours later Mr Abbott was back, if not as a resident then as a very familiar guest, welcoming more than 50 St Ignatius old boys for their 40th reunion.

did you read the rest of your link? lol



The reunion had been in the planning stages for months and was supposed to be a very covert operation.


With Monday night's leadership challenge seeing Abbott out of the big gig, organisers were frantically trying to work out what to do, but all were assured that the party would continue as planned, despite Margie Abbott being photographed packing up the family's Tupperware in preparation for eviction and their return to Forestville.


And in a move completely at odds with Australia's revolving door PM policy, they did not scramble for a replacement, but stuck with their original plan.


Earlier on Friday afternoon Abbott and Margie packed up the family cars, loading up a canoe, a surfboard, a bike and their dog.

They looked like any couple about to take a family holiday.


Perhaps tomorrow, nursing a hangover, that's exactly what Abbott will do.

Message 88 of 125
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Bah bye Tone

did you read the rest of your link? lol



I sure did, lol

Message 89 of 125
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Bah bye Tone

@*julia*2010 wrote:

@debra9275 wrote:

how weird is this though??  so he said his farewells and hopped on the VIP jet, but did he really leave or did he leave and fly back?? I hope all  this wasn't at taxpayers expense


Tony Abbott almost had us fooled when he said he was about to say his final farewells to Sydney's prime ministerial pad on Friday afternoon

But just two hours later Mr Abbott was back, if not as a resident then as a very familiar guest, welcoming more than 50 St Ignatius old boys for their 40th reunion.

did you read the rest of your link? lol



The reunion had been in the planning stages for months and was supposed to be a very covert operation.


With Monday night's leadership challenge seeing Abbott out of the big gig, organisers were frantically trying to work out what to do, but all were assured that the party would continue as planned, despite Margie Abbott being photographed packing up the family's Tupperware in preparation for eviction and their return to Forestville.


And in a move completely at odds with Australia's revolving door PM policy, they did not scramble for a replacement, but stuck with their original plan.


Earlier on Friday afternoon Abbott and Margie packed up the family cars, loading up a canoe, a surfboard, a bike and their dog.

They looked like any couple about to take a family holiday.


Perhaps tomorrow, nursing a hangover, that's exactly what Abbott will do.

They just do not  read the full link, it seems that reading whole articles that have full details are not appreciated so they can still flog the dead horse.


As I said before, we couild do with a lot more people with the integrity of Tony Abbott and we certainly do not need the low likes of B.S Shorten. He will never be PM and in a funny way we can thank Tony Abbott for that.

Message 90 of 125
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