Bark control collars

 If you search for a dog collar on eBay, you'll be bombarded by 'bark control collars'.


 Basically when the dog barks, an electronic shock is sent to the dog's neck that travels through their body.


 Most of these collars have bids on them. Does nobody know that these collars are so dangerous and so traumatic that they are close to being illegalized in some countries?

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Re: Bark control collars

Can I get one for my next door neighbours - the people I mean.


Their two little 'rats-on-a-string' bark incessantly at our side fence. It is obvious that no matter how long they yap, the owners either don't give a damn or don't hear them any more. These two (dogs) yap-yap-yap-yap-yap trying to stir my Rottis into action. For the most part mine ignore them, but finally they'll get the chits and go over to them and BARK! BARK! ROAR! It doesn't phase the little ones- they yap even harder. I used to call mine off but it doesn't do any good - the little chits keep yapping.


I thought that, if we put a collar on each of the owners, they may take some notice when their dogs bark, and come out and shut them up.


One day, my Rottis are going to drag one of the little yappers through the fence and then the owners will complain and say "Look what those savage brutes have done to my little darlings".


Sorry, I got carried away there. Back to the collars. I'll have two that give a 5,000 volt shock and then say:" HEY! Are you DEAF! Yur F'ing dogs are yapping again".

Message 21 of 106
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Re: Bark control collars

Glad you were able to sort out your dogs barking issues without resorting to using a control collar.

That's really sad about the dogs in your street. Must be bark control collars they're using ๐Ÿ˜ž
Message 22 of 106
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Re: Bark control collars

Yes, I'd like to see a 'shock' collar around the necks of a few humans who let their dogs roam the streets.


Many years ago, we lived next door to a big dog that barked for hours and hours every day (and night) when their owners were not there.   One day, we recorded it on the hour every hour and presented the evidence to them, not that they really cared, didn't affect them.


Ultimately, neighbours approached the local Council and the offending owners were made to put a stop to it.  That was one lemon collar solution that worked well, so a most happy ending.

Message 23 of 106
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Re: Bark control collars

Tasfleur - ah, don't even get me started on roaming dogs! Unfortunately the largely Aboriginal population of my town don't even have fences around their houses, or if they do then they leave the gates permanently open. A couple of years ago my mum & I ran into two roaming Mastiffs and legged it home. I haven't had the courage to walk that same way again.
Message 24 of 106
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Re: Bark control collars

Bandicoot - hate little yappy dogs. I much prefer the big bark of something like a Rottie than a constant yapping.
Message 25 of 106
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Re: Bark control collars

@jessicadazzler wrote:
Tasfleur - ah, don't even get me started on roaming dogs! Unfortunately the largely Aboriginal population of my town don't even have fences around their houses, or if they do then they leave the gates permanently open. A couple of years ago my mum & I ran into two roaming Mastiffs and legged it home. I haven't had the courage to walk that same way again.

What can I say?

Message 26 of 106
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Re: Bark control collars

I asked for it...? haha

Btw here's an example of a bark control collar:
Message 27 of 106
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Re: Bark control collars

Know how you feel about that Jessicadazzler, I walked into two Rottweilers just standing there on a street corner a few years ago.  They didn't attack or come towards me, but oh how big they were, roaming free together.  I was on my own and it was so hard to not turn on my heel and run but that would make me prey for what might be predators.


Somehow, I just quietly and calmly turned and walked back towards the house (but ran up the driveway because the door was in sight) ... I'm sure I sweated blood that day ...  Smiley Embarassed ... since then, I never walk on my own.

Message 28 of 106
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Re: Bark control collars

I do like little dogs though, miniature Snauzers, Maltese terriers etc ... but having said that, I do like Labradors and Basenjis.

Message 29 of 106
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Re: Bark control collars

@polksaladallie wrote:

@jessicadazzler wrote:
Tasfleur - ah, don't even get me started on roaming dogs! Unfortunately the largely Aboriginal population of my town don't even have fences around their houses, or if they do then they leave the gates permanently open. A couple of years ago my mum & I ran into two roaming Mastiffs and legged it home. I haven't had the courage to walk that same way again.

What can I say?

I know what to say now.     Does not compute.


Plus, broken rules again.

Message 30 of 106
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