Bark control collars

 If you search for a dog collar on eBay, you'll be bombarded by 'bark control collars'.


 Basically when the dog barks, an electronic shock is sent to the dog's neck that travels through their body.


 Most of these collars have bids on them. Does nobody know that these collars are so dangerous and so traumatic that they are close to being illegalized in some countries?

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Bark control collars

Bark control collars

@tasfleur wrote:

I shouldn't laugh, but it's funny to hear of a dog who likes a lemon taste ... if our 'yet to be' dog turns out like that, we still wouldn't use a 'shock collar', I guess we'd have to study up different ways via the 'Dog Whisperer'.



I don't know if he's smartened up since (I hope so) but Caeser Millian--(assuming that's who you're referring to)--was, himself, using shock collars to control not only barking, but other bad behaviour, I saw an episode of The Dog Whisperer where he put a shock collar on this poor out-of-control little mutt that some dope adopted from a shelter without even looking into its history. Turned out the dog didn't like cats and the aforementioned dope had one. He constantly kept going after the cat. So Millian put a shock collar on the dog and had the woman shock him every time he so much as looked at the cat. By the end of the episode, the dog was a cowering, traumatized mess yelping in pain.


The dope was so thrilled because now she could keep both the cat and quivering mess hiding under furniture that had started off a happy dog.


I've been ticked off at Caesar Millian ever since! Woman Mad


Shock collars are very cruel. And, as others have said, there are more humane and effective ways of controlling barking.



Message 72 of 106
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Bark control collars

I haven't seen CM doing that artfulcreations, not that that means he didn't do it, I have no idea about it.  All I've ever seen him do is what I consider the right thing all the way through.


Shock collars are horrible, I do agree with you, an appalling way to train a dog;  I see it as a punishment, not training.

Message 73 of 106
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Bark control collars

I agree with you about Caesar - I used to follow his methods with my dogs until I started learning about positive reinforcement. Victoria Stilwell is probably the most well-known modern day trainer who advocates the use of 'cruelty-free' training methods.

Caesar & Victoria show both sides of the dog training debate very effectively - Caesar for dominance & the pack theory, and Victoria for positive reinforcement. I can see why Caesar's methods appeal to people (because they did to me), but I am a little shocked that so many people stand by him when it's been scientifically proven that his methods are incorrect for dealing with dogs as they don't work with canine psychology.
Message 74 of 106
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Bark control collars

Hi Jessica xx


I'm not convinced that CM methods are incorrect, he's very gentle and positive from what I have seen and I've never seen him be cruel or hurt one of his charges.


Dogs are essentially pack animals as far as their psyche/genes go, but there are as you say, many other just as successful ways of training dogs without using barbaric methods such as those ghastly collars.

Message 75 of 106
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Bark control collars

Bark collars. And finally there are bark collars that automatically set off an interrupter when the dog wearing the bark collar barks. Some bark collars emit a noise, some bark collars a blast of air or citronella and some use an electric stimulation between two points on the collar that limit the feeling to that area. They can all work. My experience has been that the electronic one is the most successful and most important only the dog wearing it feels the interrupter. The citronella spray bark collar and the noise bark collar can be triggered if other dogs close by are barking. With any form of bark collar, however, I would recommend you seek expert advice before using one

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Message 76 of 106
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Bark control collars

With all the methods there are, I'll stay with the citronella collar if and when necessary once we get our dog.


It's up to the conscience of each dog owner as to how they would want to train their dogs, but I prefer a gentler approach, so the shock/electronic collars are out of the question.

Message 77 of 106
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Bark control collars

Tas - I'm sorry to disagree with you, but if you know anything about canine psychology, you will know that the pack theory and dominance (what CM bases his methods on) are good for WOLVES, but because dogs are NOT wolves, they have quite a different psychology.

Dogs, in their natural state, do not live in 'packs'. When you see dogs roaming the streets, usually you'll just see one or possibly two together. That's because dogs are actually quite 'individual' animals; in the wild they live alone or in small family groups, not in packs. Basically this tells us that pack dynmamics are irrelevant to dogs.
Message 78 of 106
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Bark control collars

@jessicadazzler wrote:

Dogs, in their natural state, do not live in 'packs'. When you see dogs roaming the streets, usually you'll just see one or possibly two together. That's because dogs are actually quite 'individual' animals; in the wild they live alone or in small family groups, not in packs. Basically this tells us that pack dynmamics are irrelevant to dogs.

When you see dogs roaming the streets you usually see one or two as that is how many most people have. Nothing to do with being "individual animals" hahahaha

Message 79 of 106
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Bark control collars

You're not actually disagreeing with me, you're disagreeing with canine psychology, so go ahead 🙂 Victoria Stilwell's book 'Train Your Dog Positively' explains dog behaviour much better (and in far, far greater detail) than I ever could, so give that a go 🙂
Message 80 of 106
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