By golly, I came here yesterday to start of B & T thread, & look what I saw!!!
Love this show, love it, love it, love it!!
It's completely ridiculous, quite stupid, immoral, twisted & some of the cast look strange, but I don't care one iota!
I NEVER miss an ep, I've watched every single one since it started screening in Aus...
It's my 30mins (less with the ad's of course) of diversion each day, & I don't care if people sledge me about it.
(Talking about relationships, don't forget that many years ago, Ridge was married to Bill's sister. And old Stephanie had a fling with Bill's father.)
FYI Hope's then-boyfriend Oliver was not a virgin when he had the MasqueradeParty liasion with Brooke.
Liam is a spunk.
How old is Steffy meant to be? And how old is Bill meant to be?
Gosh, I remember Katie & Bill when they were cast members of Young & Restless - she was Victoria Newman & he was Brad Carlton, the fellow who hated her father Victor. He was the man, she was a teen, & now they're in another show, as husband & wife?!?!
Ah, the world of the soapie - GOTTA LOVE IT!!!