Bold and the Beautiful

now Brooke is cavorting with Ridge's son. And there is a new and more handsome Thomas.

So she had been with Ridge / Ridge's father (and father of her older children) and now has the hots for Ridge's son

this is getting more and more sick

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Re: Bold and the Beautiful

Yes.. I know what you mean.. they share actors... and related story line too I think. I don't watch restless...
Message 221 of 1,531
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Re: Bold and the Beautiful

Cat its the bestest.
Message 222 of 1,531
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Re: Bold and the Beautiful

Thanks Buzz. One episode a week is probably enough to keep up at the moment and what I miss I can read here ๐Ÿ˜„

Joono I hope you'll be watching today's episode, should be a biggie
Message 223 of 1,531
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Re: Bold and the Beautiful

Crystal, Lauren Fenmore used to visit the Forresters sometimes, is she still in Y & R?
Message 224 of 1,531
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Re: Bold and the Beautiful

ok I'll admit it...I watch ๐Ÿ™‚

It took me a long time to 'come out' about B&B too Lisa :^O
Message 225 of 1,531
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Re: Bold and the Beautiful

Message 226 of 1,531
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Re: Bold and the Beautiful

Community Member

Watch it tomorrow. I must confess, I looked it up on the youtubes. Not going to say what happens. It is rather a big one. Yo will never, ever guess.

OK then (clearly Ridge running to Brooke isn't going to happen) my next guess is that:

maybe Stephanie fains (sp?) another one of her famous heart attacks...
just maybe Taylor calls it all off....
does Thomas have some 'actual' memories
does Ridge punch Thomas out :^O
does the wedding actually go ahead & Brooke rushes in at the last moment

:^O... sooooo many variables.

I too will keep an eye out here at my local coles to see if I can pick up a cup/mug for you ladies.
Message 227 of 1,531
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Re: Bold and the Beautiful

sorry friends - no B&B mugs at either of my local coles.

Message 228 of 1,531
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Re: Bold and the Beautiful

Crystal, Lauren Fenmore used to visit the Forresters sometimes, is she still in Y & R?

Yeap she is but the character is really boring at the moment.
Message 229 of 1,531
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Re: Bold and the Beautiful

g_i - I think Broooke has run out of Forrester men, unless she wants to recycle someone... ha ha. Next she will be on with Marcus! Oh wait, Oliver is single atm, isn't he:-p?!?!

kylie - don't worry about 'spoiling', really!. If I didn't want to know, I wouldn't come here. Is the Boss your OH? If so, that's makes two of us... mrSew is working in Jamaica atm, gawd I find myself watching the most stoopid stuff late at night...

Brooke already "did" Oliver at the Hopes Graduation party, when they were all in masks and she "thought" it was Ridge!!! :^O
Pretty sure Id know the diff between s&x with a 60ish Yr old and a 20 year old!!!!!!

My boss is my dad! My parents are in Bali for a quick holiday, as their month long (Dec/Jan) annual world cruise has been axed due to my having a baby early January and mum doesnt want to miss the birth!!! LoL
My family own a finance company and my youngest sis & I work there full time with our dad (as the back-up! IE: dealing with psycho clients!!!)
Message 230 of 1,531
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