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Bosses claim pregnancy law will make women harder to hire

Community Member

BOSSES have threatened to stop hiring women of "child-rearing age'', claiming pregnant workers cost too much.


The Federal Government will today announce an inquiry into workplace discrimination against pregnant women and new mothers returning from maternity leave.


The inquiry will probe union claims that some retailers are refusing to give pregnant workers extra toilet breaks, and have forced them to stay in unsafe jobs.


The Australian Industry Group yesterday warned that a new workplace law - expected to pass through the Senate next week - will discourage high-risk industries from hiring women.


The planned changes to the Fair Work Act will force employers to transfer all pregnant women to a "safe job'' for nine months, no matter how long they have worked for the company.


Pregnant workers who cannot be found "safe'' work will stay home on full pay if they have at least a year's service, or on unpaid leave if they have been employed less than 12 months.


"That is obviously a disincentive to the employment of women of child-bearing age in hazardous industries,'' the AI Group national director Stephen Smith said.


The head of the Australian Council of Trade Unions women's committee, Therese Bryant, accused a major retailer of refusing to give pregnant women extra toilet breaks.


"We had a case of a woman ur-inating in her pants at the cash register, and she was so humiliated and embarrassed,'' she said.


Ms Bryant said a major supermarket chain had refused to transfer a pregnant woman working in its bakery to lighter duties, despite letters from her doctor.


"She was having to push a trolley with 400kg of flour, and was on her hands and knees scrubbing,'' she said.


Ms Bryant said the woman was eventually transferred, but her baby was born prematurely with brain damage.


She refused to name either retailer, as both women feared for their jobs.


Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick yesterday warned employers it is illegal to discriminate against workers on the grounds of pregnancy, potential pregnancy or breastfeeding.

"Working while pregnant is a right, not a privilege,'' she said.


Federal Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus will announce the Australian Human Rights Commission inquiry into pregnancy discrimination in the workplace.


The Australian Industry Group told a recent Senate inquiry into the Fair Work legislation that the safe job provisions would "provide a significant disincentive for employers in hazardous industries to employ females of child-bearing age.''


And the Australian Mines and Metals Association claimed the new law would "make employers think twice before employing women''.


The Law Council of NSW warned the inquiry that "consideration should be given to the possible impact on female workers of a reproductive age competing in the job market.''


And the National Farmers Federation said male and female job candidates would "present a different potential cost to the prospective employer

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Re: Bosses claim pregnancy law will make women harder to hire

when i was a manager in a retail store, i used to be wary of hiring woman between the age of 25 and 35, esp if they had not long gotten married

 photo walkingdeadtag_zpsbaca2fdd.jpg
Message 2 of 26
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Re: Bosses claim pregnancy law will make women harder to hire

That can be seen as discrimination.

Message 3 of 26
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Re: Bosses claim pregnancy law will make women harder to hire

Community Member

That can be seen as discrimination.


Of course it can but its happening and its only going to get worse and then you have to prove its happening... 


Why do you think the big companies have so many casual female staff now days.... 




Message 4 of 26
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Re: Bosses claim pregnancy law will make women harder to hire

Community Member

No problem here,  because maternity leave and  working mothers create an underclass of women.  The suckers who have to pick up the slack on the job covering for the privileged who have this leave. And yes, I use privilege on purpose. Suckers = women without children.


Great in theory or  in a Govt. Dept or big company.  Sucks big time for small business.

Message 5 of 26
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Re: Bosses claim pregnancy law will make women harder to hire

That can be seen as discrimination.


of course it could have but i wasnt so stupid as to announce that i wasnt hiring them because of that

 photo walkingdeadtag_zpsbaca2fdd.jpg
Message 6 of 26
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Re: Bosses claim pregnancy law will make women harder to hire

By the way I'm not criticising you DDB. It seems unfair to not hire a woman because they are or might become pregnant. It isn't hard for a pregnant woman to work out why she isn't wanted anyway.

Message 7 of 26
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Re: Bosses claim pregnancy law will make women harder to hire

she might be able to work it out, but she couldnt prove it.


Hey, i get it, Ive had 3 kids so i know its hard. ....But pregnancy often means morning sickness, Doc appointments, being tired, not being able to stand for long, not being able to lift things etc

I didnt want to have to deal with that

 photo walkingdeadtag_zpsbaca2fdd.jpg
Message 8 of 26
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Re: Bosses claim pregnancy law will make women harder to hire

Why would an employer give a pregnant woman a part time or full time position?

So when bub is born, the woman takes maternity leave and the employer then has to hire someone else to do her job.

Then the woman decides to come back one day and the employer then does what with the replacement?



And as far as this goes

"The planned changes to the Fair Work Act will force employers to transfer all pregnant women to a "safe job'' for nine months, no matter how long they have worked for the company.


Pregnant workers who cannot be found "safe'' work will stay home on full pay if they have at least a year's service, or on unpaid leave if they have been employed less than 12 months."


How is that fair to employers?

Sorry, call me old fashioned but im on the side of the employers on this one

 photo walkingdeadtag_zpsbaca2fdd.jpg
Message 9 of 26
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Re: Bosses claim pregnancy law will make women harder to hire


I wouldn't hire them either

Message 10 of 26
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