Bourke Street attacker identified

Bourke Street attacker identified as Hassan Khalif Shire Ali as police probe terror links, boost security


i'm all for giving refugees fleeing their home countries in fear a new home here.


bring your troubles here and act as this guy has and i say round up his whole family and ship them back to where they came from.

Message 1 of 10
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Re: Bourke Street attacker identified

Agree with you David.


I find it peculiar that some people come here from a war torn country and then proceed in

attempting to turn the country that took them in, into one they have fled from.



Message 2 of 10
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Re: Bourke Street attacker identified

It s's me to tears these scumbags are even entitled to have medical attention after something like this


Leave to pos to die in the road like a dog



Of course, can't do that because it's not nice



Smiley Mad

Message 3 of 10
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Re: Bourke Street attacker identified


@enigmabear wrote:

It s's me to tears these scumbags are even entitled to have medical attention after something like this


Leave to pos to die in the road like a dog



Of course, can't do that because it's not nice



Smiley Mad

I agree, but honestly, I can relate to their issues.


Australia is, after all, in alliance with the US and the UK,  part of the reason they became refugees in the first place. With the bombings and all.

Message 4 of 10
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Re: Bourke Street attacker identified


I think we can all relate to many issues people across the world have. But the issues need to be addressed in civilised ways. This man was an evil murderer. I can relate far more to his victims and the life-long sadness this evil person has caused for many.

Message 5 of 10
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Re: Bourke Street attacker identified

And unfortunately the deceased victim turns out to be the famous Pellegrini owner, Sisto.


I used to go there years ago, real Italian service, no BS, some would think it rude.

Food simple but lots of flavour.

If the bar was full, Sisto would say, "come sit at the table" and he would lead you at the back, kind of part of the kitchen and sit you down to eat next to grandma. A priviledge.

You would think you were in Italy with staff not speaking much english.

Been considered by many as the best rustic coffee shop in Melbourne.


So sad. Smiley Sad

image host
Message 6 of 10
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Re: Bourke Street attacker identified

@icyfroth wrote:


@enigmabear wrote:

It s's me to tears these scumbags are even entitled to have medical attention after something like this


Leave to pos to die in the road like a dog



Of course, can't do that because it's not nice



Smiley Mad

I agree, but honestly, I can relate to their issues.


Australia is, after all, in alliance with the US and the UK,  part of the reason they became refugees in the first place. With the bombings and all.

It's ironic in a way as I sort of see both these things the opposite way around.


I don't accept that their grievances excuse violent, radical behaviour. I think anyone who has come to this country to live but hates the way of life here, hates this country & everyone in it should not stay here and should not accept welfare here. It is one thing to have political views, I am not saying they can't disagree with policies, but it is another thing to kill out of hatred and not acceptable if you are a citizen. People who hate it here should have the courage of their convictions and move.


In the current case though, I wonder if mental conditions were also at play, not just radicalism.


On the other hand, I do understand the temptation to feel that the man should have been allowed to die in the street like a dog. I am not sorry the police shot him nor that he died, but he is someone's son, he is a human being and we as a society have to treat people, even criminals, with some compassion and at least minimal care.


One of the features I hate most about some of the fundamentalist ruled areas of the world at the moment is how they treat some of their citizens-women stoned to death, homosexuals thrown off roof tops, people executed out of hand. Whenever you get political rule like that (and also think Germany WW2), you're in trouble.

So on the whole, the fact a terrorist was given medical aid here says a lot of good things about our society. Or that's how i see it.Smiley Happy It's not so much about him, it's about us.

Message 7 of 10
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Re: Bourke Street attacker identified

Bourke Street attack: Will terror attack play on voters' minds as Victoria heads to the polls?


heard that idiot dutton on the news blaming the 'community' for this attack.

carp, the authorities knew about him (just like the knew about the lynte cafe crazy) but did nothing except take his passport off him.

great, you have a nutter, he might want to leave australia and go get himself killed in wherever, so we stop him.

how did that work out?

Message 8 of 10
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Re: Bourke Street attacker identified

Community Member
Makes more sense to let them go and see that they never come back.
It's Dutton's fault. He was left in the community to do whatever he wants.
Message 9 of 10
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Re: Bourke Street attacker identified

Community Member
Everyone of these nutters that Dutton and Morrison stopped from leaving Australia for Syria is probably planning a similar attack.
The authorities would never know because they are too busy spying on everyone that they aren't able to concentrate on those that have already made clear their intentions by trying to get to Syria.
Man Monis was screaming at the top of his voice about what his intentions were and nobody took notice.
We need a minister doing his job not someone that is only interested in knifing anyone that gets in the way of becoming PM.
In a way Dutton is a terrorist. His weapon and motive is different but he is just as destructive
Message 10 of 10
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