on 24-11-2014 08:05 AM
Ex-MP Thomson jail term appeal to begin
DISGRACED former Labor MP Craig Thomson is launching his bid to avoid a jail term for his "brazen arrogance" in spending union funds on prostitutes.
THOMSON was sentenced to one year in jail, with nine months suspended, last February.
He immediately appealed both his conviction and sentence.
The former federal member for Dobell in NSW was convicted of 65 dishonesty charges over the misuse of $24,538 while he was national secretary of the Health Services Union.
In sentencing Thomson, Magistrate Charlie Rozencwajg said he had exhibited a brazen arrogance and a sense of entitlement.
Thomson has maintained his innocence throughout the long-running saga, but must now persuade a Victorian County Court judge.
His appeal begins on Monday.
A nationwide search for the guy that impersonated Thomson has run its course but alas that person doesn't seem to exist. I'm convinced he is still out there hiding. Not content with breaking into the Thomson house the scoundrel took Thomson's driver licence, credit card, car, house keys and other personal items. After using all those goodies he entered the house again, undetected, and returned those items before they were missed.
If you know anything about this sordid affair please come forward and tell you story to the police.