Bucket List

Have you got one?


What's on it?


Have you started working on it yet?

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 1 of 18
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Bucket List

No.   If it hasn't happened yet, it's not going to!!Smiley Sad

Message 2 of 18
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Bucket List

No list for me.

I have achieved and done everything I have ever wished to do

No regrets..

A dream life......with HEAPS of luck factored in.

My whole life now centres around anti animal cruelty.

Message 3 of 18
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Bucket List

Just one.


Skydive into a tormado with highspeed cameras with a 360 degree view wearing a wingsuit and a base jumping chute.

Message 4 of 18
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Bucket List

The only major thing on my bucket list is to slow travel Australia in a caravan. That is the plan in 10 years time.



Message 5 of 18
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Bucket List

I don't have a bucket list, but I do wish to live a happy life without regrets.

Message 6 of 18
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Bucket List

I'll have what freddie's having

Message 7 of 18
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Bucket List

Cheers chuk ♥

Message 8 of 18
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Bucket List

Also agree with Freddie.


I dont want, at my lifes end, to have a piece of paper and wishing Id done things. I much rather look back fondly on what I did. Some of those things would seem insignificant to some I suppose, who have done more, but if Im happy, then so be it.

Message 9 of 18
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Bucket List

I pray for just a bucket......a lovely good quality plastic one .....

Message 10 of 18
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