on 22-04-2013 09:57 PM
Following recent deaths of two of our dogs and the associated decisions, I was discussing with my mother how converse my thinking was; I couldn't bear to think of the dogs buried, outside and alone in the cold, dark and rain. Yet I would like to be buried; in life I struggle constantly with tiredness, I enjoy sleep and so I think of a lovely big long sleep I will eventually have in a cosy comfy casket.I want to be buried on our property (apparently you can do that on land over a certain size), but the casket has to be rectangular, not tapering in at the leg part - I want to be able to starfish a little in my long sleep.
My preference would actually be a sea-burial as I love being underwater, but I have a vague idea that that option is not available to ordinary people, so will have to be buried on land.
Mum can't bear to think of being worm food and insists on being cremated. I wanted to turn her into a diamond so she could be with me forever, but as I am an only child with no children of my own, she is worried about what would happen to "her" when I die. I told her I would swallow her on my deathbed :^O, but she wasn't convinced; I am to scatter her in the ocean, so she can visit all the exotic places she didn't get to in life.
The conversation was tongue-in-cheek, not morbid, but I was interested in seeing what other people want done with their mortal remains when they finally shuffle off this mortal coil, and why.
on 30-04-2013 06:13 PM
Just think of all the trees I could kill off and the underground water sources I can pollute as I rot away if I get buried :^O
Has some kind of appeal don't it 😉
How would 'rotting away' kill off trees, Moorna?
In a corner of the churchyard,
Where the myrtle boughs entwine,
There grow roses in their posies,
Fertilised by Clementine.
on 01-05-2013 10:17 AM
How would 'rotting away' kill off trees, Moorna?
The big tap roots grow downward don't they, and there I'll be awaiting them with my toxins :^O
on 01-05-2013 10:06 PM
on 01-05-2013 10:09 PM
I've told my family that my ashes need to be put into a lovely vase and admired everyday.
I want to be placed in the centre of the family home so I can watch over them all, that means the dogs too.
on 01-05-2013 10:57 PM
Im planning on having some of my first husbands ashes into a diamond.
oh wow! how lovely 🙂
on 01-05-2013 11:03 PM
on 02-05-2013 06:06 PM
a chamber tomb garage, i deserve no less
on 07-05-2013 12:33 AM
a chamber tomb garage, i deserve no less
Chamber POT more like Joz ;-):^O
on 07-05-2013 07:35 AM
I have decided simply not to die B-)
on 07-05-2013 07:52 AM
Shazza's mum had the idea...cremated...then bung the ashes into an old ugg boot and head off to "The Rock" for dispersal.