on 28-05-2013 05:18 PM
Welcome to C.S. Your Virtual Reality.
Here the weak can be heroes, the dull can shine, the boring can become the life of the party, the oppressed can oppress, the slaves can shed their shackles, the poor can have wealth, the wealthy can display their wealth, the failures can succeed.
All things are possible in Your Virtual Reality
So, why do you enter here?
on 28-05-2013 05:40 PM
To chuckle
on 28-05-2013 05:40 PM
thats a good reason. i cant think why i do though. masochism maybe.
could be the same reason as mine, doin' the same thing over and over expecting different results.
but, including the buyer/seller side of the things i have learnt stuff form these boards
on 28-05-2013 05:41 PM
this used to be my virtual reality.
but now FB is. haha. its way more fun. more personable. you dont have people on your list that arent friends....well some people do...have thousands of friends but I dont, I just have a few good friends- suits me fine. this is too antsy....its a circus and as much as it used to be fun- those days are gone- the BPs won.
on 28-05-2013 05:44 PM
I come here to study the microcosm of C.S. like I would a drop of pond water under a microscope.
The interaction between the denizens of this venue gives an insight the psyche of it's inhabitants, the traits they exhibit in their virtual self, give some indication of their real self regardless how they try to mask it.
It is an interesting study and very entertaining as well.
on 28-05-2013 05:46 PM
its true P. this place is like a micro world. got it all here :^O
on 28-05-2013 05:48 PM
'" Yawn crapola
I come here to study the microcosm of C.S. like I would a drop of pond water under a microscope.
The interaction between the denizens of this venue gives an insight the psyche of it's inhabitants, the traits they exhibit in their virtual self, give some indication of their real self regardless how they try to mask it.
It is an interesting study and very entertaining as well.
on 28-05-2013 05:50 PM
hahaha JJ. be careful
on 28-05-2013 05:51 PM
JJ your psyche is showing 😉
on 28-05-2013 05:57 PM
I voted entertainment.
on 28-05-2013 06:04 PM
Join JJ on the revealed phsyche bench;)