Can you be persuaded to vote differently?

Or does your bias and prejudice prevent you from making a careful consideration?


I'm definitely biased and have some prejudices against the right however I could be persuaded to vote differently if someone could show me how we would all be better off.


For one, I do agree with an increase in the GST, I do believe that a closer look into welfare is not a bad thing.


Can anyone convince me that the Government hasn't lied to the voting public? That is a big one for me.



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Can you be persuaded to vote differently?

monman12 wrote:

"Deleted 2013?  So he did own the OS shares while trying to destroy our own NBN."
As I said before,  I guess you have not researched (the Interests Register), read it.

"I don't care what you buy or sell. The NBN was for the benefit of the country, not just you."
It still is,  but myopic politics is in the way (and ignorance), not that most of the country actually know what they need in the way of speed/bandwidth. You never answered that question before FN.

"The NBN was an investment for the country not a company to create profits for shareholders. The return, estimated at approx 7% PA on completion is enough."
That is an oxymoron,  because7% is a profit return for currently a single shareholder, the government, and after departing:
"Senator Conroy said there was "a debate to be had" about the merits of his plan to eventually privatise the NBN."
"The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has supported Labor's move to privatise the NBN despite critics arguing that would create another Telstra.

"I don't know why you keep harping on about snails" Really?, I will leave the comparison to Conroy:
"[The rollout targets] were always ambitious," he said on Friday at a lunch in Sydney held by the Australian Computer Society."

"We wouldn't have been so aggressive if we'd known how tough it was for the company."
"So I think that that was an area where we were overly ambitious."

"I don't care that you have dated HFC connections because most of the country does not."    Dated?    so why was the ALP NBN snail so keen to close the dated  HFC system down? (Collectively, Telstra and Optus HFC networks pass ~2.7 million premises).

Like the Members register of Interests non research,   I would suspect that you have "overlooked" why HFC was a threat to the  ALP NBN snail:      DOCSIS 3.1.

Meanwhile I will continue to use my dated HFC 30/2 to watch streaming whatever, with no need for higher down/up whilst thanking Conroy for his effect upon TLS stock. (the analogy was to highlight  Turnbull appreciating Telco shares value, like i did   with Telstra, whereas he could only invest  in OS telco stock)

"If you know anything about the build you would know that the back bones and transit network need to be built....."

If you knew anything about snails, you would know they do not have a backbone!


Haha.  He tries for a funny. Shame it doesn't stir any laughter.  Or was it just the usual attempt to put others, preferably females, down.
Snails might not need a backbone but the NBN did need the "backbones" that were  built first.  It took 12 months to get any of the fibre close enough to actually build the FSAM and start connecting premises.
Go ahead and enjoy your dated HFC.  Did you ever wonder why they stopped building the HFC network? If it was so great why not keep building it?  Do you know how many people can't access it?
I did answer the question about how much bandwidth I need. You didn't ask (that I recall) and I told the person who did it was not their business. It still isn't.  I have explained numerous times that my previous connection was not adequate, no where near adequate. I have also been on a FTTN experiment that was hopeless.  The FTTP NBN is a fantastic alternative, compared to what was previously available.  I upload a lot and use it for work and home.  
If we're going to invest money in a network it should be the best we can get for the money it will cost, not some a hotch potch reserrection of antique copper with a bit of a mix thrown in to create expense and chaos.
Yes, Conroy planned to sell it off after completion and as he said a debate about that needs to happen but at the moment any sale has to go before the Senate, thanks to the Indies and Greens.   
You might listen to Mike Quigley talk about the NBN. He had no problem with the targets being ambitious.  He said it was a challenge, with the challenge of Telstra causing many months more delay than was anticipated. 
So you enjoy your HFC and don't give a rats about anyone else and I'll enjoy my fibre and wich everyone else could enjoy the same. I don't limit my wish list to my wants and needs. I want the whole country to benefit.
You didn't answer the question "Are you happy for this government to pour the same amount of money into an obsolete network?"

Nor did you respond (except the snide comment about snails backbones) "the back bones and transit network need to be built before it can be used so I don't know why you keep harping on about snails. You know better than most that it's no use connecting houses before the FSAM and POIs that support it are built." 



The fact is the Labor version of the NBN is far superior to the pitiful mess Turnbull has created which will be only marginally cheaper to build and a lot more expensive to operate. 


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Can you be persuaded to vote differently?

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