Canary advice please

Hi all,


I would like some advice regarding my canaries.


Yesterday I had a hen sitting on a nest with 2 eggs and a baby. The father was feeding mum and all was well.


Today, there is an empty nest - no nesting on the floor, no broken eggs and no baby. A really clean nest.


Can anyone tell me what might have happened.I am finding it hard to believe that the other canaries would have committed the muder after all this time from the making of the nest, the eggs and the hatchling.   Last year I had no such problem.


We do have mice but we also have a great mouser cat. No rats, no spiders in the aviary, nothing I can think of.




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Re: Canary advice please

Community Member

There's a link here that might give an  explanation Di. Smiley Sad

Message 2 of 6
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Re: Canary advice please

Thanks for that link mejado. It does help but I still don't know what happened to the nesting material - it's a realy mystery.



Message 3 of 6
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Re: Canary advice please

I don't know much about birds but I agree. It seems mighty strange that it's all missing.
Message 4 of 6
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Re: Canary advice please

Could a lizard have gotten in and eaten the eggs? That might ecxplain the lack of broken shell


You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means
Message 5 of 6
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Re: Canary advice please

I doubt a lizard could have got into the aviary patchoo, it has a welded base and sits on 4 legs about 12 inches above the ground.

There was a very clean wire nest - no grass, nesting material etc. on the aviary floor. Very strange.


I am thinking about putting padlocks on the two doors.





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