Cat_mioux's new home

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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Don't know what page this was on, did a search.


Been thinking of all the OK'ers, hope life is good for you all


Still house hunting *sigh*


Fell in love with a 3 bedroom unit, but, reality check, even for just 2 of us it is too small. DAMMIT!


Spent hours yesterday thinking of ways to make it work, but even if we (read me lol) went totally minimilistic, it would still be too small.


Just want my own home, that is mine (and himselfs), but not going to compromise and panic buy.


**bleep**! Could be living with the daughter for another 4 months........... NOOOOOOO!!!!! lol



Message 10081 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Happy roo..... Yes my Sammybear is chatting with much enthusiasm! Most of the time we can understand her! LoL .... She shows a bit of attitude though, but living with 3adults it's expected I guess?!?!

Cuddly ..... Hang in there, I'm sure it will be worth it! โค๏ธ

Hope all the lovelies are doing OK? โค๏ธ

Ms Mioux .... I haven't seen you around, I hope you are happy and enjoying life?

I'm still riding the roller coaster of separation etc, but handling things sooooo much better these days. Feeling confident and happy in myself and enjoying my life with my kids/ family.
On Wed we are heading off on a family holiday in Fiji to celebrate my mums 60th birthday, JUST CAN'T WAIT! It's been a very stressful year at work and we all need this break in paradise!
Message 10082 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

@kyliecrv wrote:
I'm still riding the roller coaster of separation etc, but handling things sooooo much better these days. Feeling confident and happy in myself and enjoying my life with my kids/ family.
On Wed we are heading off on a family holiday in Fiji to celebrate my mums 60th birthday, JUST CAN'T WAIT! It's been a very stressful year at work and we all need this break in paradise!

Have a fantastic time kylie!

Message 10083 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home



Sending a big hello to everyone.  I'm sorry I dropped off the radar.


I hope everyone is well, and that those that were househunting have found somewhere, those having relationship problems jave resolved them, those looking for work have found it and those that were feeling insecure now feel empowered.


I hope your children are going well Kylie.


Ms Cat, big hugs to you.   Woman Very Happy


PS  I still love Damo Heart

Happy Braff, Happy Braff
Message 10084 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Helloooo Cuddly, Happy, Kylie and Mrs Braff and anyone who has posted recently.


It's good to hear everyone's news - Cuddly I hope you find your own home soon. โ™ฅ


I'm doing well. I wish I had fabulous news to tell you i.e met Mr Right or won million of $ but really I'm just plodding along and doing okay. Master Kitty still lives with me and has a wonderful girlfriend, Miss Kitty is thinking of moving to New York for a year with her partner, I've lost 20kg thank goodness ....


Stay well my fellow OKer's Heart


PS Orange is my favourite colour. I bought an orange dress and a little orange cardi and was given an orange scarf recently.  LOVE orange now!

Message 10085 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Hi everyone


I have been having a bit of a rough time so dropped off the radar for a bit.  On Australia Day my beloved parrot Sunny passed away, totally unexpected and very devastating for me.  He was only 5 years old and life expectancy is an average of 30 years.


I now have another parrot, same breed but different colour.  After a month of being sad and not coping with how quiet my house was I needed to get another baby.  Sassy little Scout (named after a character in To Kill a Mockingbird), she has a totally different attitude to Sunny.


I now have a new job, a customer service assistant at a new Target Country store.  Needed a change, and boy what a change from the supermarket!


This week I had my cat Sophie put down, poor thing was riddled with infections and skin cancers and she was in pain and any treatment would just prolonged her agony.  I coped much better with Sophie's passing, it still hurts but I know she is no longer in pain and thats what is important.


Anyway, I hope everyone else is going well.

Message 10086 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

HI there okers!


I will do a catch up from work...


All good times in our home these days, we have a new addition, an adorable King CHarles Cavalier Spaniel called *Daisy* .... We have had her since Easter at only 6 weeks old and she has settled beautifully into our family and stollen our hearts! โ™ฅ


Miss 17 is getting serious in the lead up to HSC and finishing her High school life! She balances it out with her costume making and special effects make-up (hobby).. Last weekend was a "Scarer" in an 8km Fun run/obstacle course set in a park at nighttime!!

A group of us participated and it was lots of fun!!


Mr 15 is continuing to excell in his soccer and has some interest in him to play for a representitive team next year.


Miss 2 is an angel AND a bit of a bossy boots these days! LoL She seems to have us all worked out!! She has a toddler bed now and fully toilet trained, daycare 2x a week has been wonderful for her social development.


The Ex is a sad sad case!! It really is funny that the best 'revenge' is living a good/ happy life!! He has been dumped 4 times, has racked up a LOT of debts and struggling with life in general... He 'found God' and wanted to become a better person, but (as usual) a motive behind, as a young woman he was seeing had insisted that she would only be able to marry in the Catholic church oneday (seemingly to break up with him), he began scripture classes and got Baptised & Confirmed to show her he was willing to be the man for her.... she dumped him anyway, now he has little interest in religion, big shock!! Funny though, he didnt understand most of the teachings, and barely any of the reasons he 'should' be seeking religious guidance!!


We have the visitation schedule fairly down pat these days and I constantly have to keep the lines clear of what is acceptable as he has no boundaries and no respect for me or my life. He badgers me about having 'boyfriends' etc and i remind him that A= Its none of his business and B= My kids are my priority!

Im yet to lodge Divorce papers but I will be getting it done shortly as my bday (In Aug) marks 2 years apart! 


My family are all wonderful, my youngest sis is pregnant (Due early Nov) and we are all over the moon excited!!

Mums bday in Fiji was FANTASTIC!!!! We all had a wonderful time!!




Hi to all that still lurk or post! โ™ฅ Im enjoying catching up on the updates, hope there is more coming! XXX

Message 10087 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Long time no being here! 


Hello to all, hope you are all well and happy.


Still looking for our forever home, dammit! Which means we are still living with daughter *sigh*


Take care all you OKers, think of you all often. 

Message 10088 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Whats an OKer? I mean does OK stand for anything other than just the usual meaning of OK?  


Was just reading over a few of the posts in here and noticed you guys, or rather the peeps posting in this thread are Okers.  

Message 10089 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Merry Christmas to all the OKer's and happy anniversary (almost) of the OK Club  Cat Very Happy


OK stands for Orange Knickers. Women (and some men) wear orange knickers to show their support for women. Mostly women who have been cheated on, betrayed etc. Or any time a woman requires sister solidarity ๐Ÿ˜‰


The colour orange stands for empowerment.

Message 10090 of 10,121
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