Cat_mioux's new home

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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Yes Bushie, my baby girl โค๏ธ
Nearly 3. Have a Miss 18 & Mr 15 also!!
Message 10101 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Smiley Happy


Hello all the beautiful people (especially the ones under 4) Heart


My email told me that this thread had been posted in, so here I am.  I don't come onto eBay very much at all although I have just made some purchases. I couldn't tell you the last time I was in Community Spirit.


All's good here.  I'm not sure what was happening in my life last time I posted but I had a Master move to Brisbane, a Master move to WA, a daughter travelling around Australia, another daughter's b/f moved in, the Master in Brisbane was transferred back home, Miss and b/f have bought a Town House and moved out last week.  Master in WA has bought a Unit and hopefully will move in within 2 weeks.


I still Heart Damo  Smiley Wink


I went on a cruise and then to Canada.


Travelling family will be descending on me in a couple of weeks. Not only to see us but to connect with my Dad who is not too well.


The place is still covered with boxes from the Master who moved back home and with Missy packing all her things.  I can finally see the floor in the lounge room but that is as good as it gets.


Master from WA will be home for Christmas with his g/f who lives in Malaysia and we have not met her yet.


Fun times ahead........Smiley Surprised


Kylie, your princesses are gorgeous.

Happy Braff, Happy Braff
Message 10102 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Braff ~~~~~~


Lovely to hear from you, your life sounds busy busy busy.


Kylie your beautiful Sammy has grown up so much her hair OMG I think the last pictures you posted she still had very little hair. I see exciting times ahead.

Message 10103 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Wow Kylie - Congratulations.  A first cousin for all you kids - on your side anyway.  Such a beautiful baby and Sammy is just gorgeous and looks so grown up next to the baby.


Hope your life is going well Kylie - J will nearly be finished secondary school.  I hope she gets the course she wants.  (She may be in the cabin now!).  C may not have much longer either if he goes along the path your thought.


Our little one is a bit naughty at the moment - very advances but determined.  19 months now - says everything, knows all her colours, counts to 10 and squeals if she doesn't get what she wants.  Still beautiful though Smiley Very Happy.


Have a great Christmas Kylie - your family celebrations will be exciting with a new member.  How's the middle sister going?

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Message 10104 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

I am glad someone refreshed this thread it is good to see you all back.


Kylie Sammy is lovely and so grown up now how time has flown, congrats on your niece she is very cute


Braff you do sound very busy I hope you have a lovely Christmas with the family.  


Freddie I lurk so I have kept up with most of your news I am glad you are happy with your new home and can now get it looking the way you want it to.


Miss mioux it is good to see you back how have you been keeping and how are the family.


I have been popping in and out of CS I don't post much but like keeping up with the news.  After many years of trying to get my 82 year old FIL to move closer to use we have finally achieved our aim.  He had an accident and ended up in hospital, due to work and distance we could not get there for nearly 2 hours which left him felling scared and lonely.  It finally sunk in that he needed to be closer and he allowed us to help him move so instead of being over an hour away he is now 5 minutes up the road which means we can look after him He did not live in a very good area (high crime) so the move not only means he sees a lot more of us but his house content and car insurance has been reduced as well.


Stay well and safe OK's and big hugs


Message 10105 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Greetings, OKers. Nice to see this thread back on the front page after so long.


We have a 21 year old grandson living with us at the moment. Things weren't working out too well for him in his home state so we flew him over here and he has found a good job locally and has settled in well. It's strange - in a nice sort of way - having a youngster around the house again, and it's good for me, too  as it means I have to get out of bed a bit earlier to feed him when he's on morning shifts.(yes I know he could feed himself, but he doesn't always bother and I think he needs something solid inside him to start the day. (grans are like that):smileylol:

Message 10106 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

It's so wonderful to see all the old OK'ers and the OK lurkers posting again. I think because it's Xmas and because this thread (it's original which I deleted) started around Xmas (because the poop hit the fan the day before Xmas Eve *rolls eyes*).


We are still all living life and doing well! So good to hear. Even those who have challenges in their lives are still doing OK!


Big waves to everyone!

Message 10107 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Hi all.  I only posted a couple of times and was mainly a lurker but I miss this thread.  It was always interesting.  I was a bit shy to post more often.  Now I'm nearly 70, I am getting a bit more confidence Smiley Very Happy

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Message 10108 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home



Those two girls are gorgeous, Kylie, can see the fun and games with them in the future. Smiley Very Happy


Looked at 3 houses yesterday, first one, would be very happy in, but, the 5 acres was all scrub, couldn't keep a horse and donkey and goats..... well, goats would be ok, and not worth clearing because of the terrain, gold country, wouldn't even get a lawn in..... the search continues.


Won't bother commenting on the other two Smiley Frustrated

Message 10109 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Posted before I realised there was another page to read Smiley LOL


Lots of changes for nearly all of us!


Stay happy Heart  Heart

Message 10110 of 10,121
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