Cat_mioux's new home

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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Love the updates ladies!! ♥
Thanks for your kind comments. XXX
Message 10111 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

So good to read everyones news xxx


Sammy is growing up Kylie ! Don't realise how big they're getting until there's a bub next to them.


geez....hard to remember what I read lol.......but it seems all is well.


I am now a member of the "Strong Single Women Who Wear Orange Knickers"........been about six weeks now.  I've got quite a lot done to ready the house to go on the market and only have a few things left to ticking things off "The List".  I'm not scared or worried about the future, was just all a bit much at first and wanted to crawl into bed and never leave but I feel more on top of things now and can't wait for the house to sell and for me move on with a new and different future.


Life is full of surprises isn't it hahahaaa!


Hope you all keep posting here hearing how you all adapt and cope with life.


Sorry if I missed anything important back there ^^^^^^ next time I'll make notes lol

Message 10112 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Calling all Ok'ers.


The ex is now engaged.   Woman Sad


I started a new thread.

Message 10113 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Time to repost this methinks.



Dear friends, we're gathered here upon our annual OK Day,

To honour all OKers  in  very special way.

The stage is set, the lights are dimmed, the atmosphere is heady,

The curtains part, the band strikes up, now ladies, are you ready?

Then one and all, both great and small, bush babes or city slickers,

Kick up your heels in Can-Can style, and FLASH THOSE ORANGE KNICKERS!

Message 10114 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

Time to repost this methinks.



Dear friends, we're gathered here upon our annual OK Day,

To honour all OKers  in  very special way.

The stage is set, the lights are dimmed, the atmosphere is heady,

The curtains part, the band strikes up, now ladies, are you ready?

Then one and all, both great and small, bush babes or city slickers,

Kick up your heels in Can-Can style, and FLASH THOSE ORANGE KNICKERS!


Woman LOL


Message 10115 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Cat I was only thinking of you last week and wondering how you are. I read Dan Harris' book 10% Happier. He's an American news anchor and he had a panic attack on air and it prompted a decade of exploring Buddism and meditation and the like. 


Sammy is still georgous. Congrats on the niece Kylie. 


After two years my sister finally won her family court case at trial. His lawyer thought she couldn't produce a video recorded on a phone three years ago. She did produce it. They viewed it. Case won. She got sole parental responsbility and he got three years of supervised access. 

Message 10116 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Kudo's for your courageous sister toon!

Message 10117 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

You certainly find out who you can and can't trust in these situations. Our own mother went to the other side and did an affidavit saying my sister made the domestic violence up. Our mother had witnessed it! Our mother didn't know about the video so doesn't she look a fool? Needless to say we've done a lot of soul searching the past year and distancing ourselves from toxic people. The outlook is positive 😉
Message 10118 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Wow! 11 months since any-one has posted here. My excuse is that I very rarely come to the boards anymore.


Hope everybody is well and enjoying life.


Still haven't bought a house...... two stinking years been looking and still haven't found anything. Smiley Frustrated Smiley Sad

Message 10119 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Hi there everyone. *waves*


The annual migration to the thread.


I haven't been into CS since my last post almost a year ago.  I received an email today to say the thread had been written in so thank you my2cuddlycats_not and believe it or not but today I had orange knickers on.


That is incredible that you haven't found a house yet cuddly. It must be so frustrating for you or that you have very specific requirements.


Toon, well done to your sister. What a terrible thing to have to go through and to not have your mother believe you is awful. I hope she can move forward now with your support.


Miss Cat, I hope the world I treating you right and that your family is all settled and happy.

I haven't read the thread, only what you have written here that your ex is engaged.  I'm hoping that he has been leaving you alone and that you have been able to work and play in peace.


Kylie, your family will be growing up. Your 2 older ones especially. Is Miss Samantha still a charmer?


Maine, that must give you and FIL a lot of comfort being close to each other and it's good that he finally relented.  Pity he had to take a fall though to realise it was the best option.


Not much news at my end. I have done more travelling. My elderly father is not in the best of health, live alone so I am at his place at least every 2nd day keeping an eye on him. He is no longer driving so we need to take him to his appointments and do the shopping etc.


My travelling family are still travelling and are in the NT at the moment. They will be in Hobart for Christmas so Mr Braff and I have booked to go there on Boxing Day to catch up,with them.  It will be my daughters Big 0 birthday on the 27th December so we want to be with her for her birthday.  I haven't seen the family since May.

She recently flew back to Sydney to prepare their home for the market.  When they finally stop travelling in about 6 months they will be relocating to the Sunshine Coast in Queensland.  When she flew back we were OS so missed seeing her by a few days.


I'm sorry if I haven't acknowledged everyone.  It is late and I too should have taken notes.


Oh, and I still love Damo *sigh*


i hope everyone is well and happy with their life.


Happy Braff, Happy Braff
Message 10120 of 10,121
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