Cat_mioux's new home

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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Community Member

You are welcome fine lady, sorry it took so long.......thanksโ™ฅ

Message 7881 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Aww Cat, thank you.

I won't share my problems,  but I sincerely thank you for caring. I will say, the solution is in my hands, I just need to take the first step, and this is something I am having trouble with. But....... this thread has shown me, taught me, enlightened me..... so much, I think I might be able to take that step very soon!(Not spousal problems, although he drives me to near homicide some days:^O)

Love the Ephalant, it is gorgeous.

Don't you just hate this Melbourne weather?!

Higs and Hugs to everybody. :-x:-x:-x

Message 7882 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Master Crazy James has been taken to hospital again this evening. :_|


He has a rusty shard of metal lodged in his eye. Medical cerntre wouldn't touch it as it is too embedded,


Please, if you can spare some energy, send some to my son. I'm sure he will be fine but I'm still worried. I drove him from the medical centre to hospital and from there, his father met me and took over.

Message 7883 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Cat... the elephant is gorgeous! Great job Bizzy!!


And C*J... OMG! WHat a worry, hope everything turns out ok? โ™ฅ

Message 7884 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Thanks Kylie...he's sure to be OK but he's still waiting to be seen at the hospital


I hope baby Sammy and your family are doing wonderfully :-x

Message 7885 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

(((((((((((((Jacks))))))))))))) I hope your son is ok. :-x

Message 7886 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Hi Lovely peeps!  :-x


I've been in bed for the past week with a bug of some sort and  I had too many cooties & didnt think I was attractive enough to post ...  !!  ๐Ÿ™‚  But I did check up on everyone daily.


I was worried about Cat's health, loving the aqua bench, loving the pots, worried about Jacks son eye and sending enlightened thoughts to those who need a little more comforting.  ๐Ÿ™‚


My cat Angel is having some sort of feral episode tonight.  Now this is not necessarily unusual but I just don't know what brings it on.  All of a sudden his tail fluffs up for no reason, eyes get big and dark, and he starts jumping and running around the house.  Scratching on the walls, throwing his toys around.  He's clearly got problems. ๐Ÿ˜ (This is where I relate back to my 'one excuse fits all' reasoning "He's a boy and cant help it").  ๐Ÿ˜„


Although he DID look after me while I pretty much spent the whole past week in bed.  When I say 'look after' what I really mean is - he seemed to take up an awful lot of valuable real estate on the bed for a average sized cat, meowed at me at inapropriate moments, jumped around on the bed with his toys when HE wanted to play & I often woke up with him on my pillow about 1cm away from my face, peering at me.  What's with that!?  ๐Ÿ˜  :^O


Oh - just a random thought ....  Have been watching Revenge (LOVE IT!!!)  by the time it finishes I am always left thinking "I so hope Emily & Jack end up together".  (That's the guy who has the boat and is her old childhood friend right?)  If they don't end up together - well I'm just gonna stop watching all TV altogether!  That will be my punishement to the peeps who make the show!  THAT'll SHOW 'EM!  :^O  OK well maybe not.  But I will be really peeved if she and Jack (and Sammy the dog!) don't sail off into the sunset together to live happily ever after.  :_|


Oh and if the dog dies in the series - man, I just don't know what I will do with myself!  I will start a vicious thread here and I can't & wont be held responsible for my actions!!!!  YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!  ]:)


OK sorry for that little outburst.  Better out than in!!  ๐Ÿ˜„


Hugs and warm fuzzies to all!!  :-x




Message 7887 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

OMG I went a bit mental there didn't I!?  Hmph ...  (I am obviously having my own random feral moment myself!)  ๐Ÿ˜  My bad.   Sorry  ๐Ÿ™‚


Yeh well anyway!  I just remembered I didnt mention Cats elephant.  How cute is that!  He's bootiful!  :-x

Message 7888 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Was the excitement of finally getting out of the house after being cooped up for so long, so to speak.

And cats? Of the feline kind that is, well, they are in their own huge world, and no human will ever be able to suss the little darling furballs out, ever, 'cos cats are always changing the rules.

Message 7889 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Hello all ~~~~  *waves*

Higs and hugs to all.

OMG ๐Ÿ˜ฎ Ms Jacks.  I hope Master James ' eye is going to be alright.  I hate to think how the piece got imbeded in his eye .

Ms Cat, the elephant is gorgeous.  Well done Bizzzy.

Poor Miss Kitty and J and friend and Ms Cat and purry cats. the rain sounds terrible.   Boo! go away.

Black Sheepy, I hop eyou are feeling better.  I enjoy your stories about your little Angel.

Dtrh YCDI, I hope you enjoyed your new venture today with the alteration to your normal plans with coffee and transport.  Puddles can be good,  ๐Ÿ™‚

Cuddly, we will hold your hand  :-x :-x :-x :-x :-x

I mentioned yesterday that I knew 2 people who were going to be on The Voice last night.

One of them (Diana) was chosen by Keith Urban and Vicky Viktoria was chosen by Delta which made her over the moon.  Did I mention she used to come here on a lot of afternoons after primary school and my daughter and Vicky would sing Delta songs from her Innocent Eyes album?

I have my new CD and I have had a couple of plays of it.  I still prefer his original songs to the covers but he has had some marvellous wraps on radio interviews.  Alan Jones interviewed him this morning on 2GB. It is a fantastic interview with lots of the music thrown in.  Alan is very fangurly toward Damien.  :-x

Here is the podcast

You may need to copy and paste the whole link.

Hi She Ele and MIA

I had better get to bed.  I have to get up for the Dawn Service at my Dad's local RSL (in the park actually), and then I will be going into town for the March.  After that I will be going to the Hard Rock Cafe in Sydney town, Damien will be making an appearance.    :- x  โ™ซ โ™ฅ โ™ซ โ™ฅ

Enjoy and reflect tomorrow for ANZAC Day.

Happy Braff, Happy Braff
Message 7890 of 10,121
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