Cat_mioux's new home

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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Catty catty guess what?????????????


Your bday pressie I sent you just got delivered back to me "RETURN TO SENDER" with a note to check addy!!!


OMG!!!!!!!! Im excited cos I thought that maybe someone else got it and kept it!


WooooooHoooooo!!!! 😄

Message 8441 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Hi Kylie, I'm not sure if you've heard of the Australian Huggies website - there is a huge forum there with heaps of threads relating to babies and toddlers but there is also alot on relationship issues. I found the site extremely helpful when I left my daughters father. There are alot of women out there going through similar situations - I reckon it could help you 🙂

Message 8442 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home


Message 8443 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Community Member

Kylie, "

Will try to get back later....

I got an ipad from my family for my bday but I cant get into the forums at all from it! So I have been only getting on at work!! "

See if this helps, dont use the ebay app open ebay directly via safari, and then you should have the forums.

Message 8444 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Catty catty guess what?????????????

Your bday pressie I sent you just got delivered back to me "RETURN TO SENDER" with a note to check addy!!!

OMG!!!!!!!! Im excited cos I thought that maybe someone else got it and kept it!

WooooooHoooooo!!!! 😄

Kylie that's fabulous news!! I was worried too that someone may have taken it. I'm so glad you got it back! :-x

I wonder why it said to check the addy?

Hi and hugs to everyone. Have to run, late for work and I'm still trying to finish my breakfast. lol

Have a wonderful day ♥♥♥

Message 8445 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Evening everyone :-x sorry in advance for the scroller:8}

Have read back quite a bit and have been thinking of you all,and missing you :-xsending calm and clear energy your way...:-x

jack:-xhave read your travels with your mum-she sounded so lovely..Im sure you were a big support to her and it seems like your bro and you are closer too.

that other mr is unfreekenbelievable.I feel quite upset that he has continued to behave selfishly.grrrX-(

I have been silly busy recently, filling in for someone at my 2nd job which means no internet 4 days a week..I have popped in a couple of times and Im sorry to read that life is so stressful for you Kylie, but Im glad youve been given some really good advice by the wise ones here:-x

ms Cat!:-x hows MK doing? teendream here has had a few determined words to say about his choices for VCE(hes in Yr 11)hes decided he wants to do 3 science subjects in Yr 12..weve tried to suggest to him the type of workload will be superheavy, but meh,Ive been told!! Its not easy when your kid is smarter than yes,I do sometimes smirk!)

You know when I told you I had been trying to finish a work that seemed almost beyond my efforts?Well,I did it.Finished it I mean.It is a tracing drawing of 147 pages in total.It is a work I made to commemorate the 20 year anniversary of my mum passing away.The 147 pages mark a day I worked at my 2nd job for the entire year(in 2010)and the drawing is of the threshold of the floor of the store I work in.If anyone is interested you could vote for me as peoples choice via facebook as the work is a finalist in the National Works on Paper Exhibition at Mornington Peninsula Regional Gallery.

higs and hugs for all who read here,especially warm ones for those who need them

you can do you can do it you can do it:-x

Message 8446 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

HI everybody ♥

YCDI! It's so good to see you. I'd love to vote for you but you'll have to explain how lol. I've googled and I can find the site but I can't see how to vote.

What do I do once I've logged into my facebook page?

Oh you have a Master YCDI too. They will do what they want because we mama's "don't know anything". :^O

I have a pair of ducks living in my backyard garden now. They are lovely browny speckled ducks. And they are huge! They completely ignore me and do their duck thing.

Higs and hugs to everyone :-x

Message 8447 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Kylie, "

Will try to get back later....

I got an ipad from my family for my bday but I cant get into the forums at all from it! So I have been only getting on at work!! "


See if this helps, dont use the ebay app open ebay directly via safari, and then you should have the forums.


Thanks for the tip! Works well 🙂

Message 8448 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home




Kylie that's fabulous news!! I was worried too that someone may have taken it. I'm so glad you got it back! :-x


I wonder why it said to check the addy?


Hi and hugs to everyone. Have to run, late for work and I'm still trying to finish my breakfast. lol


Have a wonderful day ♥♥♥



I will pm you the addy that I had written down for you and you can tell me where I went wrong!?! LoL

Message 8449 of 10,121
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Re: Cat_mioux's new home

Kylie you have a PM too :-x

Message 8450 of 10,121
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