on โ24-01-2011 10:15 PM
on โ29-12-2013 09:59 PM
on โ31-12-2013 09:00 PM
on โ04-01-2014 04:34 PM
Hello everyone 0/
Happy, healthy and exciting 2014 to you all.
I hope you are all managing the heat that is all around Australia at the moment.
Wishing young Samantha a fabulous birthday. What an exciting time for her.
All the best with your teens Kylie. May they continue to give you lots of joy and very little grief - teenage angst.
Cuddly, have you found anywhere to live yet?
How are you MsCat and your kitlets?
Has anyone heard from YCDI? I miss her posts, not that I am here very much to read them.
Cyn, wishing your family a lovely 2014 as I do to all who post or lurk in here.
Freddies, all the best for your treatments/results/health in general.
Too many to mention individually but happy orange thoughts are with you all.
on โ08-01-2014 12:45 PM
Belated New Year Greeting to all the OKers
Found the thread on page 3!
It has been such an inspiring thread to so many (even lurkers like me)...
It would be a shame to see it fizzle out.
on โ10-01-2014 07:15 PM
on โ18-01-2014 10:33 PM
on โ19-01-2014 12:19 AM
on โ19-01-2014 12:26 AM
on โ25-01-2014 09:20 PM
on โ25-01-2014 09:35 PM
hugs to everyone who wants them.
I worked today and will close tomorrow night 8 hour shift. The money will be helpful as my cat had to have a skin cancer mole removed.
My little nephew said to me yesterday "Bye Minda" which is pretty good considering my name is Melinda. He is a couple of months older than Sammy, seems like only a couple of months ago we were referring to them as Babies!
Kylie, I bet Sammy is talking heaps now, Mitch can clearly say quite a few words, and others are 'close' enough for us to understand. For example he calls my dad Hop instead of Pop, pease instead of please etc. So cute